Jesus promises an End Time Rapture, and once that Rapture door is shut behind Him… the End Time’s evils will explode upon everyone left behind. Ready for that door to shut in front of you?
The days of Noah and Lot
Jesus states in Luke 17:26-30 that the days just prior to His return would be a lot like the days of Noah and Lot and much like the days of Noah also (verses 26-27).
Being wise in a very unwise world during these End Times
Have you noticed how very unwise the people of the world are becoming? James contrasts earthly wisdom with wisdom that comes from God. Where are you at? Earthly Superficial Wisdom: James 3: verses 14-16 “[superficial] wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly (secular), natural (unspiritual), even demonic“: 14 But if you […]