The Devil and his demons – they are real and all around us. Believe it. But we place our hope in Christ because He is The One who is able to save us. Jesus is stronger.
Making God Speak
It is not of God to say “this is a word from the Lord” when what you say are merely your own words. “God is against you” if you practice that.
Oh haunting fear of death – be gone
Are you fearful of death? What does the Bible tell us about it?
Divine Mysteries Revealed by the Godman Jesus
Isn’t it astounding to consider that God Himself has revealed future events to special prophets. Does your faith allow you to believe that? Are you listening?
The revelations of Revelation 20
The book of Revelation is chock-full with revelations from God. This is “prophetic Scripture” foretelling real events that will take place at the end of time as we know it. Specific, cataclysmic, real future events are prophetically given to us. Let’s look into this passage of Revelation 20 and see what’s coming around the corner.
What we will be like – in God’s Home Heaven
In God’s Home Heaven, we will all be: living in incorruptible, immortal bodies…loving God forever “with all that we are”.
A whopper of a spider tale
Ever wonder just how much God and His angels watch over you. Well, the Bible says Jesus watches over you very carefully.
Flesh and blood absolutely cannot inherit the Kingdom of God
So you want to go to Heaven. The Bible tells us so much about God’s Home Heaven. God created us inside a physical world. Here we are limited by time and space. But Heaven is in the spirit world dimension where Father God dwells.
Why all my pain and sorrow, my sickness and worries?
Why has my life be so full of pain and sorrow, sickness and worries? God is perfect and created all things. What’s with that!
Ghosts, Spirits and Demons
What we know from Scripture about …other dimensions… angels, Satan, demons, spirits and ghosts.
What The Devil Does
Satan is alive and real, and lives on planet earth in a dimension we cannot see. He is a fallen angel. And he is total evil. To get a small glimpse of what Satan is like, it’s important to realize that only God Himself is more powerful in all the universe. Lucifer (his real name) […]
Satan The Deceiver
All the religions of the world are the works of Satan. He is alive and well on planet earth. He has been allowed by God to roam the earth. Only Jesus can save. But the great Deceiver, Satan, has pushed religion on mankind. Think about it. Do you want to end up on the other side of life, and find out, there, that you were living a worthless life?
Satan On Earth
Though invisible, Satan has power on earth. However, the believer in Christ is indwelt by the Holy Spirit, and He is greater than Satan. The Bible tells us what we need to know about our Enemy, Satan.
Are You Seeking God?
Satan blinds the eyes of seekers, those who want to know more about the Creator, those who wonder, “Could it be God who made all this?” But God is greater than Satan. Ask God to reveal Himself to you. “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” (James 4:8) Now is the acceptable time.