In times of trouble – God is calling us to turn to Him for help. Whatever our need, God is always saying Turn to Me. Of course not all times of trouble are from the Lord. But Scripture does teach us that God sometimes brings us difficult experiences in order to cause us to turn to Him (1 Corinthians 10:11-13).
To reach God, first repent
Prayer is about coming to God on His terms. How’s that working-out for you?
Prayer with God? I just don’t get it
How can it be that God allows me into His very presence? I just can’t comprehend it. What a privilege.
Holy Father, Lord of All
Sitting here before you Lord, my Holy Father, Lord of All, I’m so aware that I’m not holy.
One minute away from the Kingdom of God
How far away are you – from the Holy Kingdom of God? It’s not far, actually. God is not distant. Just one minute… and you can be there.
Where only the strong survive
We can stand strong in the midst of pressures, but our strength is in Christ. Scripture says to rely on the Holy Spirit who is within us. We are over-comers because “…He who is in you is greater than he (Satan) who is in the world [of sinful mankind].”
Keep Praying
The Bible says: Keep on praying. Keep on believing. Are you praying?
Who God Blesses
The Lord may choose to lead us into purposes we now know not of. We may follow Him right into blessings we never thought of. Ready for that?
About Sin
Key truths about sin as taught in the Bible. What is sin, and what is God’s stance about it?
Praying for the world to get better?
Per Bible prophecies: The world is not going to get “better” over these next few years. “Getting a better world” is a nice wish, but …that is not coming to reality on earth until AFTER the Rapture and after the subsequent world turmoil with the Antichrist, and after “the end” with Armageddon.
About Prayer
We pray because God cares, and He hears what we say. The beginning of prayer is the purifying of our spirit. All that self-talk we all engage our minds in throughout the day? “Talk it” to God. If I take my eyes off Jesus… I become unbalanced in my soul. I take refuge in God… There is no better way to deal with life. The number to call for repair in all areas is: P-R-A-Y-E-R
Make Self Talk… God Talk. It goes on and on and on
Speaking to God silently inside your mind: God-Talk… is praying to God without voicing it out loud. “Self Talk” and “God Talk”- He sees into your thoughts, your feelings, your intentions, your falseness or genuineness, your honesty or lies, what you really are inside of your mind and heart.”
Approach God with a true and sincere heart
Have you ever in your life “approached” God? God has spoken into this world through His Word, the Bible. We know God by reading/studying… the Bible. In it He informed us about Himself, long ago, and now, today, He informs us as we read it — that He is approachable. He is the One (in three: the divine Trinity). All other “gods” are not His equal, nor truly any “God”.
We must seek after God
Peace within our own boundaries is not guaranteed. It is so important in these days that we all draw near to God, and pray. We must seek after God, while He yet can be found.
Run with endurance and active persistence the race that is set before us
“run with endurance and active persistence the race that is set before us” – Hebrews 12:1 All the runners run There are many ways to run a race. We can run to win, or we can unconsciously run to lose. Are you winning in your race? “seize the prize and make it yours!” The Christian […]
Have you “come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God”?
When you, in prayer, accept Jesus as your personal Savior — you have come to an awesome, almighty place of wonder and love.
When I find myself in times of trouble, I turn to Jesus
Jesus is our answer in times of trouble. I am learning to cast it all on Him — knowing He cares about me.
At your wit’s end
“On God my salvation and my glory rest; He is my rock of [unyielding] strength, my refuge is in God.” – Psalm 62:7 Amplified Bible (AMP) At your wit’s end these days, with all that life is throwing at you now? Are you at the end of your wit? Well, that’s not hard to do. […]
Our Father, who is in heaven
…Jesus’ model for prayer. Photo: Nabeel Qureshi 9 “Pray, then, [a]in this way: ‘Our Father, who is in heaven, [b]Hallowed be Your name. 10 ‘[c]Your kingdom come, Your [d]will be done On earth as it is in heaven. 11 ‘Give us this day our [e]daily bread. 12 ‘And forgive us our [f]debts, as we have forgiven […]
Romans 8:25-28. Hope in Christ
“…if we hope for what we do not see, we wait eagerly for it with patience and composure.” – Romans 8:25-28
God is available to all
God actually hears us. He answers us when we pray. He cared enough to come to earth. He cared enough to die on Calvary’s cross for us, so why would we doubt that He cares enough to answer our expressed need? Do not fear – God will hear.
Self-talk prayer
All that self-talk we all engage our minds in throughout the day? We can direct it to conversations with God. That is just so totally awesome!
Pray like Jesus prayed
Jesus teaches us how to pray. He gave us a blueprint for how to build our prayers. Jesus showed us in one prayer — what an effective prayer will often have in it.
Why pray
“…I have come in response to your words.” – Angel Gabriel; Daniel 10:12 To us puny humans, everything God is in Himself, and everything God does in action — is extreme. His power is extreme. His divine nature is extreme. His knowledge is extreme. His mercy is extreme. His compassion is extreme. All that He […]
Worthless prayers
…the worthless prayers of fake “people of faith” – “Fake Christians“ Oh how easily some say “that’s true” – what mere men may say, but so so flippantly put His Message down – what God Himself did say. False, fake and beguiled, they listen to some staged suit, up in lights, so convincing there on […]
A prayer of praise to God
I cast my cares on You my Lord, Father God. I look to You in faith believing You will carry the day today. Power me through it. Love others through me. I know You go before me. You prepare the way before I get there. You know my ways before I think them up and […]
Before a good cup a Joe
I don’t do frenetic. I don’t do worry. I don’t let it in. I don’t start my day all out of kilter, out of whack. I refuse to stumble into my day. I start most every day something like this: I get on up and get on High. I’m lifted up. I start my day with God in prayer – just me and God in the cavern of my head. Creator God is everywhere. Nowhere that He’s not. And He’s in my head. He knows my thoughts. My thoughts, an open gateway to my soul, for God. I think my thoughts to Him “in prayer”. No one hears me, but God Himself. He even knows what I’m about to say. Oh mysterious, sacred Spirit that lives inside my eternal soul!
The well-guarded soul
The well-guarded soul will keep you following Jesus. What can you do to guard your soul?
Talking to Jesus
Is it proper to pray to Jesus directly, instead of directing our prayer to Father God, as Jesus Himself prayed? What does the Bible itself say about that?
Lord, Father, I bow my heart before you
PIC by heather-schwartz-493955-unsplash Español: Señor, Padre, inclino mi corazón ante Ti …a prayer for today Oh Lord, Father, I just come to you now in prayer. In my inner soul I kneel before you. Oh my God, thank You for the privilege to come into Your very presence this very moment. Thank you for your […]