Meeting-up with Jesus will be a decisive meetup! What will it be like for you?
My Favorite Quotes
What are your favorite quotes from (Email them to me!) Mine are listed here for you to peruse. I’ll keep adding more quotes to this post – OMGjesus Editor.
What God has told us
Do you know how the worlds’ end days go down? Have you read God’s plan for the end days? God has told us. Read about it, and know.
Wandering Stars. The Paganism of Bethel, Hillsong, and the NAR pt 1
Wandering Stars: a well-documented 4 part treatise about the Paganism of Bethel, Hillsong, and the NAR. The credits go to Jeremy Sanders. “Walk through some of the pagan practices of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) and how it is seeping into your church.”
Why might many Charismatics not be saved?
This is not an article to denigrate “Charismatics”. This is a resource for Charismatics to learn exactly what the Bible says about charismatic practices. We are to (2 Timothy 2:15) study the Bible so we can be “accurately handling and skillfully teaching the word of truth.”
How Jesus loved us
Have you ever tried to think like God Almighty thinks? We are called by Jesus to be forever on a higher level. To be THERE, we must be born again, Jesus said. He loved us to such an extreme that He died to get us there.
Life’s most urgent question. Really.
What decides and settles your MOST URGENT question? I think Jesus answered life’s most urgent question in John 3.
What escapes your notice?
It’s easy to miss some realities around us as we plow along, full-speed ahead. It’s good to pause and see what escaped our attention.
Being like Jesus
Being like Jesus is impossible. It’s being what nobody on earth can be… without being born again, born from above. You there?
The Door to Heaven
It’s no ordinary door – that Door to Heaven. Have you opened it, seen what’s what in God’s Kingdom?
Jesus will reject many “Christians”
Jesus Himself said many that come to Him in the end times will be rejected. Wow. This is not expected! Why will He reject so many? These that He rejects are nice people, loving people. They each call themselves Christians. So much for getting to Heaven by being nice and loving! “Loving” does not save.
Elevating the Word over experience
What trumps what? Are you careful to closely examine what your pastor teaches, comparing what is said — with what you read in the Bible? It should be a weekly habit. Many pastors and common folk equate experiences they have – with Scripture given to us by God. This leads to false assumptions about God […]
Responding to insults and losses
Jesus is our ultimate example of how to respond when insulted, belittled, or violated somehow. He said: don’t resist, or hit back, or retaliate. I want to be more like that.
What being “saved” means
Getting “saved” by Jesus, is 100% a thing of the heart. If your life doesn’t follow your confession, then you did not get saved. Simple. Tragic for many, many who live in error.
Really want to entrust your eternal soul to THAT?
In whom do you trust? In whose hands is your eternal soul? What system of faith have you chosen? Do you really, really want to trust your eternal soul to THAT?
Fear the Wrath
Are you afraid of dying? The truly born again need not fear the wrath of God.
Dividing Eternity
God will not be mocked (Galatians 6:7). You will be forever on one side of eternity, or the other. What side of the line is your hoeing taking you?
Errors you hold to the death
Being adamant in our beliefs is admirable. But what if we are adamant about the wrong things? Are you adamant – with Jesus? Or are you a bit askew with what you are willing to die for?
The Moment of IF
The Apostle Paul takes us back to the question of questions for all of us about our salvation: The moment of “IF”. Is there any “if” to your salvation story? Could you perhaps have a Cracked Heart?
The way everlasting
Hell of a place – Hell. Ready for that? But wait – Jesus died to make a way to Heaven!
Got a Cracked Heart?
Was your “decision” for Christ way long ago made with a “cracked heart”. Have you examined yourself lately? -2 Corinthians 13:5
Take a Stance on Homosexuality – like Jesus did
Anything contrary to God’s expressed will has to be carefully avoided. Homosexuality, for example, is pushed nowadays as “okay by God”. But actually, it is listed in the Bible right beside many other practices that are not pleasing to God. Temptation towards any sin is NOT sinful. But, if we practice a sin, then we deny Christ. Want to please God in all you do?
God is easy, light-handed, gentle
Find blessed quiet for your soul in Jesus. You can trust Him. He is gentle and kind.
Your “New Leaf”…once you have repented
How does one live once you’ve become a newbie Christian? What drives you, day by day, to do the things you do, to act the way you choose to act?
The controversy of God speaking to you directly
Why fake it? Why speak your own words that you make up — and then claim they are God’s Words? God is against you. Can you imagine that? You really want that?
Loving the world
If we love the world, and call our self “Christian”, then we are “serving two masters” (Matthew 6:24). Do you know what Jesus said about that?
Jesus said, “These Scriptures are all about me!”
All throughout the 39 books of the Old Testament (the Jewish Tanak) the Messiah is referred to. And Jesus said, “These Scriptures are all about me!” He claimed to be Messiah.
Now is the acceptable time
Have you ever sensed that God is calling you to repent and follow Him? Now is that time. There is everything to be gained, and everything to lose. Don’t wait.
Ways to lose it with God
Living and leaving God behind? That is easy. Try something a little more challenging: Live to please God Almighty – in everything you do! Now that is a worthy challenge. And the prize at the end is more than adequate for your focus.