Hell is a horrible place. You do not want to go there.
The highway to hell is quite a ride. But it’s hectic, with all kinds of stops and twists and turns; lots of exits, turnabouts, intersecting roads. If you don’t pay attention, you end up going down scary roads, scary places, bad endings.
There is a tiny road along the way, however, that leads to God. It shows-up periodically on the highway to hell. It tends to catch sinners by surprise, because most don’t give a damn about God, and haven’t really considered traveling by any other road. They don’t like change, and most-all their friends are going to hell anyway, so they say.
But there is a tiny road that leads to Creator God. Heaven is always just around the corner if you choose to take this tiny road. It is a choice. It is, however, one choice amongst many.
The problem is that hell is always just around the corner also. And you don’t have to make any specific choices to get there. You just do what you do, do what comes naturally, put your truck on cruise — and forget about even exploring that tiny road.
You may get to hell before you know it, as it’s quick and easy, and actually quite a short route. And once you get there, well, there ain’t no turning back. There is a wide open gate to hell, and many drive blissfully on in without a thought about what they’re getting into. Unfortunately the road back is closed, and nobody gets out of there. Your stuck. No turning back then.
Fortunately, while on the highway to hell – you always have an opportunity to turn and go another way. The tiny road to Jesus presents itself every once in a while. Usually, however, sojourners never give it a second look, quite oblivious to what hell holds for them up the road.
Are you on the road to hell, or have you turned your life around – and chosen Jesus?
The highway to hell is quite a ride. But it’s hectic, with all kinds of stops and twists and turns. There is a tiny road along the way, however, that leads to God. It shows-up periodically on the highway to hell. It tends to catch sinners by surprise, because most don’t give a damn about God, and haven’t really considered traveling by any other road. They don’t like change, and most-all their friends are going to hell anyway, so they say. Heaven is always just around the corner if you choose to take this tiny road. It is a choice. It is, however, one choice amongst many.
Who In Hell Do You Think You Are?
There is a broad road that says Heaven but goes to Hell
Heaven. What’s it going to be like?