The Good Fight
– J.C. Ryle
Let us settle it in our minds
that the Christian fight is a good fight
– really good, truly good, emphatically good.
We see only part of it yet.
We see the struggle,
but not the reward;
we see the cross,
but not the crown.
We see a few humble,
praying people,
enduring hardships
and despised by the world;
but we see not the hand of God
over them,
the face of God
smiling on them,
the kingdom of glory
prepared for them.
These things
are yet to be revealed.
Let us not judge by appearances.
There are more good things
about the Christian warfare
than we see.
-J.C. Ryle, Holiness: Hertfordshire, England:
Evangelical Press, 1989, p. 62.
(Found in: How To Meet The Enemy, John MacArthur, Jr.
Chariot Victor Publishing, 1992, p.66.)
As His followers, day in and day out we are fighting the good fight against the old nature. We can then rest assured we are not “practicing sin” for we are in the fight. We are secure in Him.
Run with endurance and active persistence the race that is set before us
Yes I can – I can stand strong