– Isaiah 1:18
Have you ever tried to grasp the deep intensity of God’s feelings against your sin?
Do you know how much He hates sin?
Sin is: anything done contrary to God’s will. And His will is made quite clear by God in the Bible. His will is unavoidably laid-out clearly for us to understand: God hates sin. He loathes sin. He cannot co-exist with sin. He will not put-up with it. He immediately cast Lucifer out of Heaven because of sin, and He immediately condemned man to eternal punishment when Adam and Eve disobeyed His command.
He created us to love Him, and He deeply loves His creation. But He absolutely loathes the sin. He loved mankind so much that He went out of His way to provide forgiveness of that sin and it’s punishment.
He felt so strongly about it that He left His awesomely plush heavenly throne where He was totally in control, came down to earth as a man, the man Jesus Christ, knowing beforehand what it would be like, and willingly suffered a death on the cross — all in order to satisfy His Court’s justice system.
He offered Himself as the legal substitute for all sinner’s condemnation – clearing the way for any of us to be pardoned. He cleared the future universe of all sin by His death and resurrection! THAT is pretty intense. He hated sin that much, and loved us – that much! That is Creator God.
Jesus taught that “whosoever will may come” to Him (Matthew 10:32-33), but they must be genuinely “born again” (John 3:3-7) and His followers must follow Him in sincerity and truth.
There is no salvation if there is no sincerity of heart. 1
The Santa Claus god
However, many today want a belly laughing “ho ho ho”, roly-poly Santa Claus god. This modern day god:
has no predilections, no predispositions, and never gets upset with anything we do or ask for. This god goes with the flow. This god of ours accepts it all, whatever we want. He has no bias, no prejudice against anything. He has no fixed, predetermined intolerances. What you are, whatever – he’s down with that! This “Claus God” has been created for our convenience.
We fool ourselves so easily. Anything we kind of like, or really like, or really really are into… is fine with our “Claus God”. It’s easy to follow this “god”. Claus has no limits on us!
The Bible teaches about a holy God, not a Santa Claus god. Not a fabricated, conjured-up imaginary figure we might want to relate to on our own terms – but the real, actual Holy God of the Heavens, the One and Only Creator God who made all that exists anywhere — He who still is in control.
In terms we can somewhat grasp, God shares with us in the Bible what He is truly like. And our modern day culture just really hates that. Do you see that?
So, what about a real God damn? In contrast with a damning by a person: What’s a God damn like? What will it be like to stand before Creator God on Judgement Day, and receive His wrath? That’s something to really think about. Can you feel the finality of it all in that moment?
A person can damn you, but, what’s that going to do? Not much. However, on That Day of Judgement, a God damn is:
forever bad, forever unforgiving, never changeable – permanent in the universe. A God damn declared by God Himself will make the human heart quiver like a gazelle caught in the lion’s jaws.
You can argue all you want now. But, standing before Creator God – there will be no wiggle room to escape. For the “Claus God” followers on that day, as with all who reject Christ, there will be no escaping the wrath of The Holy God of Judgement.
That shows the intensity of God’s feelings against your sin. Sin is no small thing.
Actually, God is patient, and waiting for the light to dawn on individuals who step aside a bit and think deep about Him (2 Peter 3:9). He wants to make us His own.
But God is not just loving (John 3:16). God is also holy (1 Peter 1:16). He cannot accept anything contrary to His expressed ways.
He created all of this (John 1:3), and is giving us some time and space to find Him. In his timeless continuum all things will eventually once again be running by His terms alone. Right now, each of us has free will to do as we so choose:
(1) go with Him,
(2) turn away from Him to do our own will.
It’s our choice. But rejecting His Way has eternal consequences. Don’t be fooled by the freedoms of this world – and think that the next life will be as willy-nilly as this one sometimes appears.
For the wages of sin is death,
but the free gift of God
is eternal life
in Christ Jesus our Lord.
– Romans 6:23
God’s feeling against sin is huge! Unfathomable! Real intense. So intense – it is eternal. Sin is a big deal. He has damned us all to hell because of our sin. But thank God He has also provided a way to escape!
Sin is inconsistent with who God is. The two are incompatible to the ‘nth.
Sin and God are as incongruous together
…as dung on a dinner plate
…as a hornet’s stinger in your tongue
…as murder on a love filled honeymoon
…as a sharp stick in the eye
…as darkness is to light.
There is hope in Christ now for all. God is full of mercy and grace (Hebrews 4:16). That is why our life goes on and on and on and on – for the lucky, the 7o+ years lucky ones, who have year after year after year to ponder, reconsider their ways, and repent, choose Christ and His free offer of salvation.
Some “Claus God” folk are not so lucky, and die before bowing the knee to Christ. Those folk burn-out, get stuck-in-a-rut, and die in their confused state of rebellion against the real, Loving God of the Bible. Their way was never truly His Way.
Some “Claus God” folk may even call themselves “Christians”. They go to a church once-in-awhile, and think they are “saved”, but their so-called “faith” never fused into their heart. Their confession of faith is insincere, by God’s standards, untrue: all mouth and no yieldedness. God’s Spirit never entered their soul to save — because their spiritual life is a sham.
The “Santa Claus God” folk want the good of God, but never bow the heart in obedience to Jesus. They are the tares, not the true wheat. And God sees through phoney baloneys.
It’s a put-on: all these pleas of “why can’t we just get along”, “let’s just ‘CoExist'”. God sees through our phony veneers for what it all is …hogwash, nonsense, rubbish, menstrual rags:
Veneers of worthless man-made declarations and manifestos, dogmas, rituals, writs and philosophies — religions not accepting of the man-God Jesus, come to earth in the flesh to die on our behalf, who now is risen again in victory over sin and death forever.
God damns sin. And on That Day there will be a huge “God Damn” over all who refused His pardon and died “an unforgiven soul“.
I hope your last words kneeling before the Throne are not, “Well, I’ll be damned!” On That Day, you don’t want to be a God-damned, puny mud man, shaking your puny mud man fists 2 at the Potter. How futile. How foolish. How damned!
Don’t live your life with no view for eternity. Don’t live now for all you can get here and now.
Give your life to Jesus – now! He wants to save you now – for now and for eternity. Who better to turn to than to He who made all that is good! He knows the good life. He made us for the good life!
Oh my God, Jesus – You alone are God.
I look – Oh my God
Have you ever tried to grasp the deep intensity of God’s feelings against your sin? Do you know how much He hates sin?
“…make damn sure 3
you are
truly saved.
If not, you are truly damned.
– Source: Why do church
Legally Damned, Legally Forgiven
Farther along we’ll understand why
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty
“Hell is a hot damn!”
Note: Hell is not just where we (those there) sit in a lake of fire burning up forever. It is described with all these words (not just fire):
the second death,
eternal punishment,
outer darkness,
pits of darkness,
chains of darkness,
my bed in the darkness,
lake of fire,
unquenchable fire,
fiery hell,
the nether world,
Sheol, Gehenna, Hades….
– Reference: Hell in the Bible.
- Sincerity: in one link or: Acts 2:46; 1 Corinthians 5:8; 2 Corinthians 1:12; 2 Corinthians 2:17; 2 Corinthians 8:8; Ephesians 6:5; Colossians 3:22.
- Mere men: 1 Corinthians 3:3, 2 Corinthians 5:16-17.
- “damn”. an advert meaning: extremely, very, highly (Babylon.com)
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