You ever try to change a wild bull’s behavior out in the field? You ever try to change the size of a mountain peak, or shape a block of iron with your bare hands? You ever try to stop a hurricane in its fury – while on a ship far out in the open seas?
Not a chance. It will never happen. You cannot mitigate that behavior, that humongous size, that hardness, that fury. They have unmitigated force and strength.
God is unmitigated. 1
Ever thought of that? The God who put together the Bible – has unmitigated force and strength, love, mercy and grace, holiness and justice. It will never work to tell God, “Lighten up!”
Nothing mitigates this God. Absolutely nothing will ever soften, mollify or “fix” Him. Because?
Because He is perfect and complete in everything that He is. The wonder of it all is that God wants us, sinners, to be with Him in His Kingdom.
31 “As for God, His way is blameless and perfect;
The word of the Lord is tested.
He is a shield
to all
those who take refuge
and trust in Him.
2 Samuel 22:31
Amplified Bible (AMP)
God will not be changed, ever. God never changes. Never has. Never will.
He will not change His mind. We cannot change Him in any way. Nothing He has ever said in the past will ever be changed, not “one jot or one tittle”. 2
18 For verily I say unto you,
Till heaven and earth pass,
one jot or one tittle
shall in no wise pass from the law,
till all be fulfilled.
– Matthew 5:18
King James Version (KJV)
You can refuse God, hate God, reject God, replace God. Our rebellious heart does that often, in my experience. You can choose to ignore Him. Agnostics do that! Like an ostrich with it’s head buried up its sand. But, you really can’t be intellectually honest and believe He is non-existent. Only the fool believes there is no God. Think about that.
The fool has said in his heart,
“There is no God.”
– Psalm 14:1
God exists – the way He exists – whether you like it or not. It is senseless (stupididiotic) to bury your head in your own creation of god (your idol, your worthless piece of …stone), and pretend that your “golden image” is God, following your image, your Golden Calf – instead of the true God of the Bible.
If “it” makes you happy, that does not mean it makes God happy. God does not believe in “whatever rocks your boat”. 3
Do you really want to make God unhappy? If you are living your own way – He is.
It is too late to give yourself to God once you are on your knees before Him in the next life. God is asking you to repent, now. Turn from your idols. Give your life to Jesus before it’s too late. One day soon He is returning. Are you ready?
6 Jesus said to him,
“I am the [only] Way [to God]
and the [real] Truth
and the [real] Life;
no one comes to the Father
but through Me.
John 14:6
Amplified Bible (AMP)
It is possible for God to change me. He can change me – inside and out. I can come to God “just as I am“. If I do, then I am enough – for God’s Kingdom. But I must first reconsider my life, submit to Him for change. It doesn’t work the other way around, ever. God will never change His ways just because I want it my way.
The reality of God’s universe is
— it’s not your universe.
It behooves us to seek after God
and get His word on things.
Our thoughts are not His thoughts.
My thoughts
will not be consulted by God
on That Day.
– From: Balancing-out my faith with my practice
The God who put together the Bible – has unmitigated force and strength, love, mercy and grace, holiness and justice. It will never work to tell God, “Lighten up!” Nothing mitigates this God. Absolutely nothing will ever soften, mollify or “fix” Him. Because? Because He is perfect and complete in everything that He is. The wonder of it all is that God wants us, sinners, to be with Him in His Kingdom.
God never changes. Never has. Never will.
- What is the synonym of mitigate?
allay, alleviate, assuage, ease, help, mollify, palliate, relieve, soothe.Words Related to mitigate: abate, lighten, moderate, soften, temper. cure, heal, remedy. amend, correct, emend, fix, mend, rectify, reform, repair. – Merriam-Webster
- Synonyms for “tittle”: atom, bit, crumb, dribble, fleck, flyspeck, grain, granule, molecule, morsel, mote, nubbin, nugget, particle, patch, scrap, scruple, snip, snippet, speck. – Merriam-Webster
- -From: Quora
Q: What is another phrase for “whatever floats your boat”?- Whatever turns you on.
- Whatever tickles your pickle.
- Whatever ruffles your truffles.
- Whatever tickles your fancy.
- Whatever bakes your cake.
- Whatever rocks your socks.
- Whatever sizzles your bacon.
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