…why all my pain and sorrow, sickness and suffering, depressed feelings and worries? It’s from the Fall of Man.
The Fall of Man, falling away from God and into sin, is recorded in Genesis 3. We live to see the effects all the way throughout history, all the way into our own times – and all the way deeply into our soul, into our body, into our mind.
God created all that exists. And He made it good. He also created living autonomous creations, each with an independent spirit, a distinct soul. They were: angels and humans. They were created with the freedom of a will to choose. Both, angels and humans, chose poorly.
The privilege of my existence
behooves me to seek-out God
and secure my eternity with Him.
Who Do You Think You Are?
Do you know what God thinks you are?
Satan, called Lucifer, so perfect and powerful, made his choice in the heavens to rebel and go against God Almighty. And so Satan, evil to the core, roams the earth “seeking someone to devour“.
Adam and Eve made their choice to disobey God in the unexcelled Garden of Eden. Wonderful as their perfect existence was, with God walking and talking personally with them, beautifully naked before God, without a care in the world… they turned their backs on their Creator.
So God damned His creation. And all of mankind, from birth, are under God’s condemnation. We need a Savior. That Savior is Christ the King.
All of us like sheep have gone astray,
We have turned, each one, to his own way;
But the Lord has caused the wickedness of us all
[our sin, our injustice, our wrongdoing]
To fall on Him [instead of us].
– Isaiah 53:6
We see and experience the effects of The Fall. We live in a “Vortex of Good & Evil“. We are always in a state of dying.
17 but [only] from the tree of the knowledge (recognition) of good and evil you shall not eat, otherwise on the day that you eat from it, you shall most certainly [a]die [because of your disobedience].” – Genesis 2:17 Amplified Bible
Footnotes: a. Genesis 2:17 Both spiritually and physically, physical death in the sense of becoming mortal; they were created immortal.
Living In This God Damned World: The effects
The earth is divided into two camps. Each of us are experiencing the effects of God having damned the world – whether (1) we choose to reject Jesus and follow our own ways, or (2) we choose to truly repent and follow Christ:
In our bodies: pain and sorrows, sickness, disease, suffering, illnesses that we can’t shake-off, baffling conditions that the best scientists and doctors cannot figure-out. It’s all from The Fall.
In our minds: We do evil, even when we did not want to do the wrong (Romans 7:14-15). Given a choice, we often do the wrong thing, we choose our self – over others, we sin. We are naturally powered by the flesh inside our insides. It’s all from The Fall.
In our emotions: We struggle with despair, depression, hopelessness, sorrow, grief and anguish. It’s all from The Fall.
In our strength: Our strength fails us. It’s all from The Fall.
Being God damned on earth is to be
simply living your life – without Christ, living in rebellion against God, refusing to bow your knee to God, refusing his free gift of eternal life, living for anyone or anything else but Christ, against Christ, against what God has established, forever against God’s call to repent of your sins and have only this fleeting life, not turned to God in repentance, not accepted God’s free gift of acceptance into His Kingdom, not accepted Christ as Lord of your life, not had God change you into a forgiven child of God and yet have the opportunity now to accept Christ as Lord and Savior. Source: God Damned On Earth
By God’s design there will come a time of change, right on time for each of us:
- For followers – it will be some sweet day at the Rapture or when we die, if we are following Him, truly born again; but…
- For Unbelievers – it will be on that hopeless, hopeless Day of Judgement when all without Christ will receive the sentence of eternal damnation from The Damning God, and sent to Satan’s Place of Endless Darkness, without any of the good of God, forever, a place designed by God to restrain all that is evil.
It is up to us to battle the very big and very bad enemies of our soul. But we, on our own, will never vanguish any such enemy with our power. We must be living yeilded to God, powered by God, by the Holy Spirit, who promises to remain with us, inside our soul, forever more. Nothing can separate us from Him. Nothing.
14 For all
who are allowing themselves
to be led
by the Spirit of God
are sons of God.
– Romans 8: verse 14
We absolutely must be absolutely guarded in all our ways – to be a healthy soul, to live a worthy life. Satan is a deceiver and a liar. You don’t win with an unguarded life.
Christ is preparing a place for us in His forever home. I want to arrive having lived a life worthy of our Holy Holy Holy God. How ’bout you?
Rely on the Spirit of God in you
A God Damn …In contrast with a damning by a person: What’s a God damn like?
God Damned On Earth – Being God damned on earth is to be…
Being God Damned (in Hell)
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