Excerpt taken from: There is only one God
I am a Christian because….
I am a Christian because the Bible is too good to have been a fabrication of man. It had to have been orchestrated – by God. The contents of the Bible (66 books) were written over a period of hundreds of years, by writers who did not know the others nor collaborate with them – separated by hundreds of miles – and yet everything ties together without any discrepancies, and Jesus the Messiah fulfilled over 360 prophecies written by these writers. Impossible, except by God.
I am a Christian because of tangible evidence of the divinity of Christ. He fulfilled over 360 prophecies written about the coming Messiah – way too many to have been completed by chance. Christ was God in human form.
God came down to earth in the form of a man, as the Christ (the Messiah):
- to be able to die in our place
- to be able to give us pardons for our sinfulness
- to be able to satisfy God’s sense of justice
- to turn away God’s wrath against evil
- to be able to set us free from our death sentence
- to be able to make us perfect before the Great Judge on Judgement Day
I am a Christian because I personally chose to repent of my way – and yield my life to God’s way, through Jesus Christ. I accepted God’s free gift of forgiveness, eternal life with God.
I am a Christian because God enabled me to have the faith to believe Him, to take Him at His word. I could not have chosen Him – if He had not chosen me first.
I am a Christian because Jesus said He was the only way to God the Father (John 14:6), that nobody comes to God – except through acceptance of Christ. Even if I wanted to, which I do not, I could not have earned God’s acceptance no matter what I tried to do.
*Excerpt taken from: There is only one God
I am a Christian because… the Bible is too good to have been a fabrication of man. It had to have been orchestrated – by God. I am a Christian because… of tangible evidence of the divinity of Christ. He fulfilled over 360 prophecies written about the coming Messiah – way too many to have been completed by chance. Christ was God in human form. I am a Christian because…
John 6:35 Jesus uses the words “I am” over twenty times in this Gospel. Especially memorable are those places where “I am” is followed by a metaphor that declares His deity and His relationship to mankind as Savior (this is the first of seven such references); see 8:12 (Light); 10:9 (Door); 10:11 (Good Shepherd); 11:25 (Resurrection); 14:6 (Way, Truth, Life); 15:5 (Vine)
See: Jesus declares He is God in 7 “I am” Statements
How you can know you are a Christian
Jesus declares He is God in 7 “I am” Statements
God’s Think Excerpt: I think. You think. We all think.
But, what does God think? Thinking is necessary. But what if your “think” is not God’s “think”? Then your “think” will end so very badly when you reach That Day of Judgement, quivering before God in the realization that it is His Think that rules the heavens, not yours. Read about God’s “think”. What you think – matters. How you act it out – matters more. It will seal your eternity – with Him, or without Him.
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