Salvation is one sinner agreeing with God that he needs a Savior, calling on Jesus to forgive him, and following His Way all the way, no holding back. Anything less is just religion.
No religion in heaven
Jesus said to him,
“I am
the [only] Way [to God]
and the [real] Truth
and the [real] Life;
no one
comes to the Father
but through Me.
– John 14:6
Salvation is one sinner agreeing with God. No holding back.
Getting born again …He loved us so much that He provided legal forgiveness for any who choose to follow Him.
God’s message to the world …giving all of you – for all of Him. Nothing less is good enough for our Holy Holy Holy God.
Staying Alive …If the core of your being rejects parts and pieces of what Christ taught, then you have no salvation.
If we do not think like God Almighty thinks
Being an “evangelical” in today’s wild and wooly ungodly culture
That moment of IF when you choose your own thinking
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