Just as His eye is on the sparrow, my God watches over me. (Luke 12:7)
In times of trouble, such as with today’s events, Jesus is our answer. “Why worry, when you can pray.”
Our “hope and confident expectation” at all times should be “committed and focused” on Jesus – in all that we are, with all that is within us… “in both inclination and character”. We must capture our thoughts and keep trusting God.
-Excerpt from the OMGjesus article: Why worry? Trust God
2 Corinthians 10:5
We are destroying
sophisticated arguments
and every exalted and proud thing
that sets itself up against
the [true] knowledge of God,
and we are taking every thought
and purpose
to the obedience of Christ
–Excerpt from the OMGjesus article: First, Apostasy, then Antichrist, then the Rapture
The times are troubling, are they not? You feel it? These times of COVID-19 are way heavy for many people. It’s bigger even than the mind-bending, game-changing day of 9/11.
When I find myself in times of trouble (it’s not Mother Mary that comes to me! The Beatles sang that, but rather…), in times of trouble I get humble: in my heart I get down on my knees – and turn to Jesus (1 Peter 5:6-9).
God invites me there: “…for He cares about [you and me]” (verse 7). I resist (verse 9). What do you do? When I feel fear… I don’t let fear grip my heart. I tell God about it, and leave it there. Now it’s His to deal with. I leave it.
When the burden is heavy, I like to pray:
Lord. All of this… I bring to You. You’ve asked me to cast my cares on You (1 Peter 5:7) I know you care about me.
So here it is…. This is what I am dealing with, and I need your peace, your wisdom.
Help me in this situation. I give it all to You to deal with.
May The Lord help us to keep our minds “stayed on Him”. There is no better way to deal with life.
– Excerpt from the OMGjesus article: Finding Perfect Peace.
Why all my pain and sorrow, my sickness and worries?
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