When we start “the after-life”, things will heat-up for some of us, but things get really cool for the rest of us. If you know what I mean.
Hell is where you go if…
…you never gave God a second thought
…you chose to stay the course – your course
…you loved passing pleasure more than thankful obedience to Almighty God.
It will be horrible; nothing good, because God is good – and God is not there.
Heaven is where you go if…
…you got “reborn from above”
…you got “redressed” for the party God is giving
…you chose Jesus’ Way, rejecting your sin, bowing the knee before God
Take a peek into heaven by reading what God is like. Heaven will be like God Himself is like. We will be with Him there. Wow! Just imagine that.
The End is near. Jesus predicted “the end” (Matthew 24:verse 14), and He’s showing us signs of the times in order to give us a heads up. Read about it in the Bible. It is full of prophecies God provided for us.
Wake up, folks! We are currently (2020) in the “perilous times” Jesus said would come shortly before “the end”. Are you ready?
There is a broad road that says heaven but goes to Hell
Heaven will be awe-full and law-less
How much is heaven worth to you?
About the End Times: a series about End Times… a guide to more about “the end”
First, Apostasy, then Antichrist, then the Rapture
We are inside the timeframe God gave for the Rapture
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