The Rapture is coming! In my heart I am leaping with joy! So now what?
How should we go about with living our daily life — now that we believe the Rapture is just around the corner?
The poor examples of believers past who listened to the hype and sold all and went to a mountain top to await the Rapture, and waited, and waited, and waited… should warn us not to follow suit. Such track records show we humans are sometimes so poor at interpreting for the future.
Those who heard Jesus in-person speak of His soon return – thought He was returning in their own lifetime. Well, that didn’t work-out too well for them, did it? That was 2020 years ago! They misinterpreted His words. (As did the Preterists of today.)
Devout groups made predictions in the past, then sold all they owned and traveled together to a mountain top to await the Rapture. I never heard the stories about these sorry bands after Jesus never came back on time – according to their predictions. I guess they slowly trickled back to town (with their tail/tale between their legs) with excuses. The reality is: They misinterpreted His words.
Signs of the End Times
So what about now? What do we do with life now that we believe the Rapture is coming soon? It is now early September/2020. Personally, I firmly believe the signs of the times are aligning with biblical prophecies, indicating the Rapture is coming soon. It is to be an unexpected event, like a burglary: you can’t predict when a thief is going to hit your house and break in.
God’s Rapture knows no date, but it is imminent (ie: “going to happen soon”). The Rapture will happen just prior to the “test“, taking us safely out of “the hour of trial“, the horrible Great Tribulation:
10 Because you have kept the word of My endurance [My command to persevere], I will keep you [safe] from the hour of trial, that hour which is about to come on the whole [inhabited] world, to test those who live on the earth. – Revelation 3:10
We are told to not set dates, but signs indicate something is up! Signs are happening for a reason. God gave us — signs we can see, and He is still giving us signs — so that we can know what He predicted is about to come-to-pass.
Like a thief in the night suddenly pouncing when you are not ready – so unexpected will be the Rapture (1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 and Matthew 24:42-51). The unbelieving world is oblivious, but we can be vigilant, not be caught off-guard, be ready for this unpredictable, but known, event. Though we know NOT the date, we have been forewarned, so we can be ready and not caught off-guard.
We are not making-up these signs! The Bible predicts the signs, and as they say, “lo and behold…” we are seeing them right before our very eyes. Read more details and what Jesus Himself said would happen, here:
We are now in “Birth Pangs” times, and then – the End
According to Matthew 24:verses 9-14 this “ending part of the birth pangs“, now happening just prior to the period called “The Great Tribulation”, will see several events (1-7):
1. Tribulations experienced by Christians [horrible treatment: suffering, persecution, rejection] (v9)
- the killing of many true Christians (v9) [now happening world-wide; this is not the Great Tribulation persecution which comes later]
- hatred by all nations “because of My name” (*The name of Jesus) (v9)
- the killing of many true Christians (v9) [now happening world-wide; this is not the Great Tribulation persecution which comes later]
2. The Apostasy: (verses 10-11) For more, read: First, Apostasy, then Antichrist, then the Rapture
- “At that time many will fall away” (v10)
- “Many false prophets will arise” (v11)
- “Many… “will mislead many” (v11)
3. Betrayal of true Christians by fake Christians (v10)
4. Fake Christians will hate true Christians (v10)
5. “Lawlessness is increased” (v12)
- most people’s love will grow cold (v12)
- most people’s love will grow cold (v12)
6. “This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world” (v14)
7. Then, mentioned by Apostle Paul: “the revealing of the “man of lawlessness” (2 Thessalonians 2:3)
8. The Rapture. After these “pangs” (1-7) then will come: the Rapture,
See: When Christians disappear and you wonder why
and then
9. The Great Tribulation. We know this because of Jesus and Apostle Paul.
[10+11. Then… (10) The great battle of Armegedon, and then (11) the Millenium rule of Christ]
Source: We are now in “Birth Pangs” times, and then – the End
Since we know we are fallible, and only dimmly “see” into the future by what biblical prophecies show us, we would be wise not to follow the mistakes of …the poor examples of believers past. However, we need to take heed to the warnings.
It behooves us to be ready for the Rapture
So, how should we live now – believing strongly that the Rapture is coming so soon? There are some specific actions we can take now before the Rapture hits.
Action to definitely take now:
#1. Get born again. Make 100% sure you are 100% given-over to Christ. Be really really sure. Get right with God before it’s damn late. 1
#2. Live a righteous life and share the Gospel with others.
Never underestimate the power of your life’s testimony. Don’t wait until you are perfect! Share the salvation message of forgiveness, new life in Christ, restoration from sin, living a joyful life.
#3. “Live like Jesus is returning any hour — and plan as if it will be years from now.
Assumptions are the beginnings of sorrow. Don’t assume your understanding is correct. You may be off by a couple of decades!
Live your life, seek the Lord in all things. Plan your future. Live today. Be ready if Jesus were to return today.
#4. We can leave behind an impacting testimony.
Consider doing this now – before the Rapture happens. Since we will be gone, and, as they say, “You can’t take it with you”, consider preparing this: My Rapture Will.
- Establish a gifting plan for those left behind. Prepare a Rapture Will: Name specific beneficiaries and what they will inherit from your “left behind estate” in the event of The Rapture.
- Change your will after prayful thought. Consider consulting with immediate family members, or not. Proceed with great care to protect yourself from fraud, and seek legal advice. Do not tell the prospective beneficiaries.
- Prior to changing your will: secretly investigate possible “Post-Rapture Heirs”. Find and choose key relatives, friends, enemies, people who hate you, neighbors, and/or needy vagrants on the street – and determine:
- Are they born again or not?
- Could they benefit by receiving portions of your wealth for the horrific period to come after the Rapture – to help them get through the Tribulation period?
- Who would most benefit by gaining ownership of each part of your estate: your house? your cars? your business? portions of your liquid assets? your stocks and bonds? etc. etc.
- Creating your Rapture Will
- Main change to your will: Add specific provisions that “…in the event of the Rapture – where you and your born again family members suddenly go missing at the same exact time as millions of other Christians, you do hereby bequeath everything…. according to this specific plan.
- Carefully word it with the help of your non-Christian lawyer.
- Contract the services of a reliable non-Christian lawyer. (Or else there will be no lawyer after the Rapture to facilitate your gifting plan!) If the non-Christian lawyer comes to Christ during the process, contract another lawyer to execute the will.
- Provide for “payment upon completion” of the execution of the will, so that the lawyer is motivated to speedily complete the will for the beneficiaries.
- Include “a confirmation of honesty and integrity” by also contrating a trusty “duo” of lawyers who are in on the gifting plan – only to safeguard against dishonest dealings by the head lawyer! After all, evil will increase: Romans 1:28-32, Romans 7:21, 2 Thessalonians 3:2, 2 Timothy 3:1-5, 13, James 3:16; and your head lawyer could become a swindler.
- Add: “In the unforseen chance that a member or members of your family are “left behind”, this contract is null-and-void, and those “surviving” family members will be the beneficiaries.
- Add: “The following specifically designated individuals (non-believer) friends, neighbors, or needy persons will become your heir, assuming the following list of relatives are also missing at the same time: List of Relatives to determine if they also disappeared or not….
- List each beneficiary and what they will inherit from your “left behind estate”.
- To each beneficiary: provide copies of our guide Print this now: Your Guide for after the Rapture takes place
- Stipulate that any beneficiary has the option of several “pre-paid” consultations for assistance and training to most-safely and wisely use their unexpected inheritance.
Because you love your friends and family who are not following Christ, this could be a huge testimony:
- Of your love for them,
- Of the veracity of the Gospel of Jesus,
- A verifiable witness to them that what happened to you (being raptured) was truly The Rapture as predicted in prophetic words of the Bible.
The One World Government, established for the Great Tribulation period following the Rapture, will fabricate a reason for the disappearing (Rapturing) of millions around the world. With recent government releases of information about UFOs, many are now surmising that the government will blame the “great disappearance” on the nefarious UFOs. Your testimony and gifting plan will give testimony to the real truth – that the Bible predicted this Rapture.
Keep your behavior excellent among the [unsaved] Gentiles
[conduct yourself honorably,
with graciousness and integrity],
so that for whatever reason they may slander you as evildoers,
yet by observing your good deeds
they may [instead come to] glorify God
in the day of visitation
[when He looks upon them with mercy].
When Christians disappear and you wonder why
Today’s perilous times right out of prophecies
Virgins, Talents, and Judgement
Five big time events coming soon
First Apostasy, then Antichrist, then the Rapture
Preterists need to review the evidences. For more, study these:
1- preterist view – Dallas Theological Seminary *Free PDF Download
2- Preterism: Has All Prophecy Been Fulfilled?
Related Truth – from compellingtruth.org
How is the church the bride of Christ?
The rapture and the second coming of Christ – What’s the difference?
In light of Christ’s return, how are we to live our lives?
What are the signs of the end times?
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