Welcome to the show, What’s Beyond The Door! Let’s have a little fun while we’re at it.
The stakes are gargantuan… colossal, enormous, gigantic, huge, humongous, immense, mammoth, massive, monstrous, monumental, prodigious, towering, tremendous, vast, big, elephantine, giant, heavyweight, jumbo, leviathan, mountainous, super-colossal, super-duper, titanic, whopping!
What’s at stake: This game is all about you. You play it alone. Everyone plays it – alone. Here on this live show you will either gain the best eternal life you could ever dream of having — or you will loose-out forever.
There will be no greater prize at stake in all your very very short life here on earth. This isn’t winning “large” – it’s winning the whole shebang, it’s winning “really really big!”
The fact that you are even in the game at all – is evidence of grace upon you. Losers lose it all. They loose-out forever. No second chance. There is no consolation prize. You won’t like that. It’s like, going straight to hell! So pay attention.
The reason for this show
You will be brought before two doors. Just two. And it’s quite simple actually:
You must choose
to enter one door – or the other.
One or the other, it’s your choice.
Insider hints (most people don’t listen, but, these hints will be worth listening to. Trust me.)
#1: The Risk Involved: there is a “best door” and a “worst door ever” type of door.
Careful now: this is a one-time lifetime limited offer on this show now. And therein lies the risk: You will have no choice later, in the afterlife. If you die before choosing for the best door, well then, we’re warning you here and now: you’ve already been condemned to get the worst door.
So, get smart, enter quickly, get in the game now — because longevity is not guaranteed, and something may take you out before you’ve moved on this, before completing your choice (like a huge Mac truck, cancer, or something). Then, no matter who you are, it’s too late. Scary thought.
- You die – you lose.
- You quit – you lose.
- You whimp-out – you lose.
- You whine and blame it all on the game show host – you lose.
So I’d advise you to make the decision for your door now — before it’s too late. You really do not want the worst door.
#2: When this show ends for you
At the ending moment in time, between ending “the now” and beginning “the after-life”…you will be whisked through that door of your choosing. No matter what, you will go through that door of your choice when the Show Master hits the gong (whether you like it or not!).
#3. The Door Options
FIRST DOOR: You do NOT want to choose this first door, the Red Door.
You will really, really, really, really, REALLY be so much happier if you choose the Green Door. Think carefully….
SECOND DOOR: The best prize is behind the Green Door. (hint, hint) Hands down – the best! 1
The second door, truth to tell 2 — is Jesus Christ Himself, God come down to earth from Heaven to make that Green Door available on this show. Jesus Himself said,
9 I am the Door; anyone who enters through Me will be saved [and will live forever], and will go in and out [freely], and find pasture (spiritual security). 10 The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows]. -Verses 9-10 of John 10:7-10
#4. Your Role Play for the show. This is important. Get into your role. When you are in front of the two doors, think of yourself as who you really are for this show.
For this show: You are The Dumbass Lamb – the dumbest creature around. (We all are, actually.) Really! It helps to understand the prize better. Bear with me now.
Remember: The lamb is really not all that perspicacious. Ever walk with one? It is a totally helpless, weak creature — in need of protected green pastures. It cannot survive what’s comin’ round the corner – without the Good Shepherd.
#5. Deciding what door to choose
1. If you go through the Green Door, you will undoubtedly be ecstatic to see you have gained access to the greenest green pastures – beyond anything that you could have been dreaming about every night under the stars. It’s yours for the grazing!
2. If you enter through the Red Door, the FIRST DOOR, you will immediately be hit by the realization that you have entered the city of the Lake of Fire, home of the roaring lion that has been seeking to devour you all your life!
And you are still a dumbass lamb. Defenseless still!
You’ll hear this welcome:
Lake of Fire “Winners”
As a FIRST DOOR winner you are truly “The Biggest Losers” of all time. Each loser is immediately beamed over to what is fittingly described as “a lake of fire”.
As the “winner” of the Lake of Fire, you have chosen the place of endless suffering, with no good thing at all. This is the worst choice you will have made in all your lost life.
Now “It’s time!” Let’s play…
What’s Beyond The Door
BREAKING NEWS: We are sorry to have to announce — the show, What’s Beyond The Door, has been permanently terminated. All the producers and photographers have suddenly disappeared! Millions around the world have also! They are saying Christians warned about an event just like this. They called it “the raptor”. No, no, no. The Rapture.
– The End –
The Only God worth living for, or dying for is Jesus.
Jesus said,
“Truly, truly, I say to you,
unless one is born again
he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
– John 3: verse 3
The sacrifice was made,
the penalty was paid
– now: What will you do
with God’s offer of salvation
through faith in Christ?
– Source: Legally Damned – Legally Forgiven
Salvation…Learn more about “Salvation” – Access our site Archives here: “Salvation“
Legally Damned – Legally Forgiven
- The idiom hands down has two meanings: (1) winning with ease or with little or no effort, and (2) without a doubt. The first definition is the original. It comes from horse racing and refers to a jockey dropping his hands toward the end of a race when victory appears certain.
- Interjection… Actually; frankly; as a matter of fact.
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