Excerpt from: Heaven. What’s it going to be like?
PIC: Rejecting the Gospel of Jesus Christ
The reality for us now
The reality is “Christ has in fact been raised from the dead”. The mystery of the Gospel has been revealed – and fulfilled by the Messiah:
“But now [as things really are]
Christ has in fact been raised from the dead,
[and He became] the first fruits
[that is, the first to be resurrected
with an incorruptible, immortal body,
the resurrection] of those
who have fallen asleep [in death].”
– verse 24 of 1 Corinthians 15:20-26
Death is promised to all (Hebrews 9:27-28). But Jesus was victorious over death.
So He now offers us —
- The hope of His resurrection, now,
- His promise to save those who sincerely believe in Him — and
- His promise to resurrect us all from the dead at the End Times.
Without Christ we are legally damned, but He can legally forgive. Don’t be mislead by religion and philosophies of mere puny humans. What do they know, really?
The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” – Psalm 14:1
Read: Why you are an idiot… IF you say there is no God
“The fool says in his heart:
- I will focus all my energies on my 70+ earthly years, and leave to chance my million-infinite-years.
- I am so egocentric that God will just have to get in line. Forget God.
- I am all there is, all I care about. What does “god” have to do with anything?
- I have, and am, everything I need. God has never helped me with anything. What god?
- Life is tough enough as it is! Why add some “god” to my mess!?
- If God exists – why hasn’t he shown himself to me? He hasn’t said a word to me!
– Source: What a Crock – Having No Religious Affiliation.
They are all on the broad way to Hell. “There but by the grace of God go I.”
We must not deceive ourselves
by any
stupididiotic reasonings of man
– to accept what God has rejected.
There is a broad road that says Heaven but goes to Hell
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