God is asking us to choose Jesus, repent, and follow Him. He knows our heart, so Jesus warned us not to be dishonest with Him.
You only have one go at this. One chance. As they say, “First you live, then you die”. Don’t blow it! Don’t wait another moment: bow your heart, your soul, your will, your mind, your everything – to Christ.
37 And He [Christ] said to him,
“‘You shall love the Lord your God
with all your heart, and
with all your soul, and
with all your mind.’
– Matthew 22:37
You can’t opt-out your heart, opt-out your soul, opt-out your mind or any part of you – and expect God to be fooled into believing you have genuinely bowed your soul to Him. You are either all-in, or you are all-out.
– Source: Enlightened Folks
Folks! You can NOT fake it with God. He knows your heart.
Faking = Still lost
You can talk like/smell like/pray like/look like/act like/dress like/preach like/give money like/claim church membership like/go to church like… but if your heart is not genuinely His, “with all your heart…”, then you are not saved. You are a God damned “believer”.
What you do
shows what you are:
born again — or not.
- Where is your heart?
- Where are your allegiances? (your… loyalty, faithfulness, obedience, devotion?)
- To what, to who, are you allied?
- Who do you love most?
– Source: What is necessary to be saved
You can’t opt-out your heart,
opt-out your soul,
opt-out your mind
or any part of you
You must be born again.
Follow Messiah (OneForIsrael.org video series)
God’s Fantastic Home – for those who follow Him
Are you ready to meet your Maker?
Living the good life with courage and confident hope
Jesus warned us not to be dishonest with Him
Acting with your heart, soul, strength, and with your mind
Being 100% given-over to Jesus
Why suckling with the mother cat does not make the piglet a kitten
Born of God “…You must be born again”
Jesus Brings Us To Creator God
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