Love is a choice. I am choosing to work at it – doing one act of love – one by one by one.
Doing an act of love – one by one by one
- Instead of suspecting bad things in that person – I will choose to forgive on-the-spot.
- What I “suspect” …will be shut-down on-the-spot. I will not allow myself to get caught-up with bad thoughts.
- Instead of condemning thoughts, I will favor that person, in spite of my suspicious negative thoughts.
- I will shut-down my suspicious negative thoughts.
- I will not allow myself to suspect a wrong, and think ill of that person.
- I will not allow my mind to go over and over a supposed slight committed by that person against me.
- I will forgive that thoughtless comment, that arrogance exuded, that selfish act that hurt my pride.
- I will shut-down thinking evil of that person, and choose to accept him or her.
- I will think of that person’s needs as more important than my self-interests (Philippians 2:3-4)
- I choose not to be self-absorbed, where everything is about me and my preferences, my ways, my rules.
- I choose to be non-judgemental, not condemning, not criticizing.
- I choose to be nice.
- I choose to be loving.
- I choose to forgive instead.
Every breathing moment is a new moment to choose to be loving to others – or not. I do not have to be what I was in the past. I don’t have to be what I was this morning!
I can choose to confess and repent — and be loving now. I’m developing habits of love!
Excerpt from: Habits of Love
Habits can engender love
Habits we can form – that engender love, one by one by one:
Live it daily – with gentleness and respect.
Talk with respect: make it truly mutual conversation.
Make judgements all day long – so you do the right thing.
Reject what is not of God. The enemies of our soul put the full spectrum of sin before us as good things.
Know the Bible well enough to know what is good and what is not.
Develop personal rules of practice.
Don’t accept the lies of Satan, nor anything that comes from the world. Reinforce God’s Word by saying (about Satan): I’m not what he says I am.
Pray at all times – “without ceasing”: Practice Self-talk prayer.
War against racism: Personally resist the evil of racism.
Run from things we love to fall for.
Be devoted (verse 10 of Romans 12:9-13) to your family, friends, church folk, and to sharing the Gospel with the Unsaved
Every breathing moment
is a new moment
to choose to be
loving to others
9 Love is to be sincere and active [the real thing—without guile and hypocrisy].
Hate what is evil [detest all ungodliness, do not tolerate wickedness];
hold on tightly to what is good.
10 Be devoted to one another with [authentic] brotherly affection [as members of one family],
give preference to one another in honor; 11 never lagging behind in diligence;
aglow in the Spirit, enthusiastically serving the Lord;
12 constantly rejoicing in hope [because of our confidence in Christ],
steadfast and patient in distress,
devoted to prayer [continually seeking wisdom, guidance, and strength],
13 contributing to the needs of God’s people,
pursuing [the practice of] hospitality.
Luke 10:30-37 Amplified Bible (AMP)
Philippians 2:1-17 (AMP)
1 Corinthians 13 (AMP)
Living Daily with gentleness and respect
Oh to be like the Tewksbury Institute floor maid
Living the good life – with courage and confident hope
Hating is life changing – eternal life changing. Scary thought.
What’s living rent-free inside your head?
I’m not what he (Satan) says I am
The enemies of our soul put the full spectrum of sin before us – of things we love to fall for.
Racism is an evil to personally resist
What decides and settles your burning questions?
Where is your heart at? Are you Worldly or Godly?
See references: 1 Corinthians 3:1; 1 Timothy 6:20; Titus 2:12; James 1:14; Jude 1:19
The Bible is the standard for Christian thought and practice. Not me. Not you.
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