They are in the news again …January 12, 2023
Pro-Abortion folk, those who want the right to kill their unborn baby, are not-so-stealthily saying:
“Forget The Baby (F-the-baby). It’s not human. It’s just a piece of fetus (“small clumps of cells”). And even if it is human, I am more important. Why should a baby get in my way? I don’t want it.
I have better things to do than care for another human being. So killing babies is a good thing. Don’t tell me what to do! Make abortion (“killing the unwanted thing”) easy for me to get.
Forget The Baby (F-the-baby), that’s my thinking. Don’t get in my way.”
Sorry but they changed the picture (by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images) in their article of Nancy and the 93-member Democratic Women’s Caucus – smiley women dressed in white (but God captured it). Guess they did not want to be exposed for opposing the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act on 1.11.2023. Not-so-stealthily saying: Forget The Baby (F-the-baby).
Hypocrites dressed in white
Born-Alive Act: Pelosi, Schumer melt down after new bill requires care for babies born during failed abortion. “The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act passed the House 220-210; Democrats were the only ‘no’ votes.” Published January 12, 2023
My Point: Wow. That’s truly ugly. Would you want an image like this one above (Smiley women dressed in white), with you in it on the record for keeping an atrocity — when you are judged on That Day? On the record calling evil good? (Isaiah 5:20). I pray some are soon ashamed of themselves. God does forgive (anyone) when we repent. I’d get myself out of that group photo real quick!
God has better records than any of today’s giant Tech behemoths. But, praise the Lord: through salvation in Christ all such records on us can be deleted! Taken away… “As far as the east is from the west” (Psalm 103:12).”
Quotes about Abortion…
with My Point commentaries:
Christian Post Reporter Ryan Foley wrote: Analizing a movie, Margaret Atwood says, “feminists believe that women must have abortion rights in order to control their own bodies”.
My Point: Why can’t they “control their own bodies” before they create a baby in their own womb… before they “procreate by copulation” (Genesis 1:28)? Once you allow yourself to get pregnant, you have given control of your body to the baby for nine months. That’s it. Don’t blame ProLifers for your negligent behavior. You did it your way.
My Point: Will you also blame the party you stayed-up so long at, for making you go to sleep at the wheel – for killing 4 in the other car?
Don’t you see it’s our right to demand YOU take responsibility for your actions, yourself? We demand you take care of that baby in your womb. That is what laws are all about: protecting folks against criminal behavior (re: preventing you from aborting the defenseless tiny human in your womb).
Margaret Atwood said: “It is really a form of slavery to force women to have children that they cannot afford and then to say that they have to raise them.” (Atwood)
My Point: Controlling abortion does not force women to have children. Wanton sex forces a woman to have children. Abortion: “It is really a form of”…murder.
In the Christian Post, Foley wrote: Michelle Williams, actress, argued that her career was more important than the life of her baby — that her career would not have been possible if she did not have the ability to “employ a woman’s right to choose.”
My Point: A woman’s right to choose ends when she creates a child’s right to life. A woman does not have the right to choose death for her baby. THAT should be a crime… killing your baby. Women should not have a law to employ – to give them “the right” they want — to kill their baby.
Should drunks have a man’s right to choose… yet another beer, and drive home? Stupid. The right to choose is balanced by the right of the innocent. The law aims to prevent harming the innocent.
Christian Post Reporter Ryan Foley wrote: “In 2017, actress Martha Plimpton described an abortion she had in Seattle as her “best one,” indicating that she had terminated multiple pregnancies.”
My Point: What?… her “best murder” of her helpless babies?! And she is proud of it? The Abortion “right” is like enabling a serial killer to boast about his “best one”. Then, right?
In a ChristianPost article (October 16, 2020) – Stevie Nicks reportedly said that without her abortion, ‘there would be no Fleetwood Mac’. Not-so-stealthy saying: Forget The Baby (F-the-baby)
Foley reported: Stevie Nicks, in a relationship with The Eagles’ Don Henley, said: “If I had not had that abortion, I’m pretty sure there would have been no Fleetwood Mac. There’s just no way that I could have had a child then, working as hard as we worked constantly.”
My Point: Well, I am darn sure there is now no baby Sarah – because you valued your career over …a baby’s life. Would you also want to kill a shopper who took too much time in front of you – – making you wait too long? Amazingly repugnant.
“There’s just no way” that your baby was blessed with the ability to live. Then. Because of your selfish, egotistical little life — that person (your baby) is dead. You killed her.
Foley reported: “And there were a lot of drugs, I was doing a lot of drugs … I would have had to walk away,” she added.
Foley reported: According to Nicks, the abortion was “really important” because “the music we were going to bring to the world was going to heal so many people’s hearts and make people so happy” and there “was not another band in the world that has two lead women singers, two lead women writers.”
My Point: Just another “the ends justify the means” wrongheaded thinking, Stevie. Stupididiotic! You are arguing like a serial killer: “I just had to keep on killing ’em. It was really important to me.“
Basically you are saying: “I’ll do whatever it takes to get what I want. Forget The Baby (F-the-baby)”, you say. I somehow suspect it was your personal ambitions and greed that killed your baby (and all the drugs…) – not the noble sounding rationale… to “make people so happy”.
Foley reported: Crystal Good said, while speaking before the Senate Judiciary Committee (she was a witness against the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett):
“Who I am today
is only possible
because at 16 years old,
I had access to an abortion.”
My Point: Unequivocally unbelievable, Crystal!
And forget about yourself! Think about your baby: Who your baby is NOT (because he/she is now dead because of you), was “only possible because at 16 years old, [you] had access to an abortion” – and you did not have the decency to mother your own little child. How pathetic is that?
Why are you so important — and your baby… so dead?
What if your mother had aborted you? “Who [you] are today”… would be nobody. Think about that.
Foley continued: At a pro-abortion rally in March, actress Busy Philipps promised that she would “never stop talking about my abortions”.
And actress Elizabeth Banks described “reproductive freedom” as “no less than liberty itself.”
My Point: “Never stop taking about my abortions”? That is despicably shameless. What about the “liberty” of your aborted baby? It should be called “reproductive liberty to murder”.
Who stood up for your baby’s rights? Your liberty itself should be taken away from you yourself, when you misuse it to irresponsibly have babies who loose their liberty to “no less than death itself“.
Foley reported: In a 2018 skit on her short-lived Netflix program “The Break,” comedian Michelle Wolf suggested that abortion “should be on the Dollar Menu at McDonald’s” and declared “God bless abortions!”
In a separate Netflix comedy special last year, Wolf recalled how having an abortion made her feel “powerful,” like God.
My Point: Abortion itself “on the Dollar Menu at McDonald’s”? Wow. What a thought. Thankfully the real, Only God, is not like you. Most of us get mothers who let us live-out the one life we are given.
Abortion “should be
on the Dollar Menu at McDonald’s”
Wolf recalled how having an abortion made her feel “powerful,” like God.
My Point: You feel like a god because “power” is what the real God has. He has power over life and death. NOT YOU. Who do you think you are? You are but a mere puny human – a mud man shaking your mud fist at the Potter. And you kill any baby that has the misfortune of sliding into your womb.
says about Margaret Atwood, “The author of The Handmaid’s Tale – the book and latterly TV series in which women are persecuted – has compared anti-abortion laws to a “form of slavery”.
My Point: Instead of a “form of slavery”, how about realizing anti-abortion laws are actually a form of protecting innocent life before a selfish ogre has the little baby slaughtered, cut-up, skewered on a spit? Just darling, Margaret. Pro-Life videos are about the babies who are persecuted.
According to , Margaret Atwood believes that anti-abortion laws are a form of slavery. “Anti-abortion legislation leaves women dead and children orphaned.”
My Point: I would counter that pro-abortion laws are a form of legalized murder for convenience. It legalizes dollar menu easy-to-get little murders on-demand.
Pro-abortion legislation leaves babies dead and wonton women going for more. Innocent babies are dead needlessly, and post-abortion mothers are depressed and wounded for life.
“God bless abortions!”
My Point: Do you really think
our Holy, Holy, Holy God
wants to bless the murders of
little, helpless creatures of His Creation?
What kind of horrific god do you believe in?
What in Hell will they say next?
We have all needed His forgiveness, for one thing or another. The really good thing is: God forgives all wrongdoings of all repentant sinners, no exception.
The Lord is gracious and full of compassion,
Slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness.
– Psalm 145:8
Babies do not have civil rights… in the womb
God forgives all wrongdoings of all repentant sinners, no exception
Forever forgiving – for God’s sake!
What is a biblical reply to these who abort babies? See:
100 Bible Verses about Abortion – excellent long list of verses from openbible.info
Pro-Life and Pro-Choice: What Does It Mean?
See Life On-Demand – Focus on the Family’s amazing video
Focus on the Family’s See Life™ 2020 | #LoveEveryHeartbeat
What the Bible Says About the Beginning of Life – from Focus on the Family, answering these questions:
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