“Some things that are done
Can never be undone”
*See full poetic verse, Time & Tide: A Lament – by Pete Garcia at REV310
“10 Because you have kept the word of My endurance [My command to persevere], I will keep you [safe] from the hour of trial, that hour which is about to come on the whole [inhabited] world, to test those who live on the earth.” – Revelation 3:10
It is sadly doubly true that evil deeds done “can never be undone“. But thanks be to Jesus, forgiveness is now available through the good deed of Jesus on the cross where He bore our sins.
Deeds done in sin, can be forgiven, our guilt removed “as far as the East is from the West” (Psalm 103:12).
Repent before Jesus. Become a follower of Jesus. Now is the acceptable time.
Time and tide are relentless. So are the many relentless Old Testament prophecies happening right now – but not in the way most thought they would be fulfilled. Are you ready for “the end” that Jesus spoke of? Take Jesus’ Challenge.
God forgives all wrongdoings of all repentant sinners, no exception
Legally Damned – Legally Forgiven
Christ’s Death
by William Lane Craig at reasonablefaith.org. Should We Think of Christ’s Death in Juridical Terms? – on the atonement of Christ’s death on the cross (*Romans 3:25, 4:25, 5:18).
We are inside the time frame Jesus gave for the Rapture
Until the Rapture Door is shut
Time & Tide: A Lament | by Pete Garcia | rev310.net
From ages past
The brightest and best
Wondered what the end might be
When it finally arrived
Nobody believed it
In the end, things fall apart….
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