Be Afraid
There is no greater fear than being afraid of a God Damn. You think? (There is no good God Damn, by the way. See: Being God Damned on Earth.) Yes. Fear this!
From one perspective, God is an “equal opportunity” Master: “Whosoever will may come”.
Whosoever will come after me,
let him deny himself,
and take up his cross,
and follow me.”
– Mark 8:34
One Way
The standards of God for His salvation are equal for all. There is no allowance for fakers. There is no allowance for those who procrastinated too long. (“Too long”… as in: Death took them quicker than they thought it would! They died without accepting Christ!)
See: Faking It
Today there are still “professing believers” who are actually, frighteningly: God Damned “Believers”…. still damned all to Hell. Afraid yet?
“Fear God”
“Fear God” is an OT warning for us humans. After all, He wins in the end, and He has given us His Word: follow or else… suffer His wrath. His Wrath is like a pent-up storm.
See: | The Wrath of God and His Indignation |
| God still shows His displeasure dramatically – even today |
| “I am against you”, God says |
| Six different types of wrath – from God |
| Consequences of Supporting Evil |
No fear in Jesus
The truly born again need not fear the wrath of God. The reality for all who sincerely repented in truth and turned to Jesus – is that God removed the penalty of sin from us. We once were condemned in sin, but now have been cleared by The Judge – by Heaven’s Justice System.
See: | Legally Damned – Legally Forgiven |
| Never Again | Promises God makes about your salvation |
Oh haunting fear of death – be gone!
(Hebrews 2:15… “those who through [the haunting] fear of death were held in slavery throughout their lives.“
God’s “If – Then” Promise
Salvation by God
is an “if – then” promise from God:
If you believe
– then you are saved.
How definitive – that climactic moment of IF. IF you believe, then you are grafted into the Vine (John 15:1-5; 2 Corinthians 5:17). Done. Finito.
– Source: Promises God makes about your salvation
Romans 10:9-13. Verse 9:
… if you acknowledge and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord [recognizing His power, authority, and majesty as God], and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
The Chutzpah of Wannabe Christians
Promises God makes about your salvation
To be saved,
you must:
Believe in the Name of Jesus
Salvation in Christ is beyond huge
God forgives sins by His Holy, Holy Justice
Dealing with the consequences of missing The Rapture
Born-Again Believers In Christ Do Not Have An Appointment With God’s Wrath – by Amir Tsarfati | May 9, 2023 at Harbingers Daily: “a Christian news organization that publishes and analyzes news from the United States and globally, equipping Believers with a Biblical understanding of current and future world events.”
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