Every once in a while, I must confirm why Jesus will accept me. I love to ask others: Why will Jesus accept you into His Holy Kingdom? What’s your answer to that?
What knowing the Bible does for you
If we know our Bible, we will know Christ, acknowledge Christ, and recognize Christ. We will know what saves us and what does not. We will be more and more like Christ. That’s a great thing.
What happens when you do not know what the Bible says on a matter?
Do you know what the Bible says? If we are to go to Heaven, we must know the message of God for us on earth. Makes sense to me.
No New Revelations in these End Times
Are you interpreting Scripture with other Scripture – to the extreme point of even rejecting your thinking in order to stay faithful to all Scripture?
Jews in these latter days of the end
Are you looking to God in these latter days, the days which Jesus called “…the end”? Do you read the Scriptures that God has provided for us to know Him?
They were not really of us
Scripture reveals that there are many fakers of faith in Christ. “They were not really of us”, John says. We must discern who these fakers are. “Don’t judge the book by the cover.” See them for what they really are: wolves in sheep’s clothing (Matthew 7:15).
Do Justice, Be Kind, and Walk Humbly with your God
Why do you claim to be a Christian? Do you walk like your talk? Is the faith of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Paul — your faith? Are you walking dead, or are you alive in Christ?
Divine Mysteries Revealed by the Godman Jesus
Isn’t it astounding to consider that God Himself has revealed future events to special prophets. Does your faith allow you to believe that? Are you listening?
They in fact have seen nothing
“Woe (judgment is coming) to the foolish prophets who are following their own spirit [claiming to have seen things] but have [in fact] seen nothing. – Ezekiel 13:3. This is the Lord God talking, from a passage in Ezekiel. He wanted us to know about the dangers of foolish false prophets today.
The Hand of God
The life you are living — is it ready and able, for the Lord? It might be small, not so great, but He wants us ready to serve Him with this life — while we have breath. Actually try to do the deed. What do we miss out on? What do we miss — because we do not take the time to understand what God has for us …in the Bible (2 Timothy 3:16)? It is all laid-out for us so we can understand Him better. How much do we not understand about God’s power in us and around us? Live daily with the expectation that the hand of God is upon you.
Making God a Liar
While on earth Jesus taught about Himself, His impending death on a cross, and His plan of salvation. Jesus claimed to be God. And we have “three witnesses: the voice of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, the voice from heaven at Christ’s baptism, and the voice before he died. And they all say the same thing: Jesus Christ is the Son of God.” (1 John 5: verse 8) God is saying all of this to each of us, so clearly. If we do not believe this, we are effectively calling God a liar.
It is what it is: The Bible Is God’s Word To Us
Over the course of hundreds of years, the Bible was put together by God — so that we could come to believe that Jesus is God Himself come down to earth to redeem a people to Himself, the Messiah, Son of God. God put the Bible together by inspiring writers with His message. Have you read it for what it is – God’s word to mankind? It is important to not read-into-it, not remove what makes us uncomfortable, not reject portions of the Bible where it says what we do not want to hear!