What really truly is necessary for you to be saved? Jesus gave us His parameters. There are limits to His grace. Don’t get shut-out because of them. His mercy is huge, so today – all on earth still have a choice to make. The day of “it’s too late” is just around the corner!
What saves you
What really truly is necessary for you to be saved? Jesus gave us His parameters. There are limits to His grace. Don’t get shut-out because of them. His mercy is huge, so today – all on earth still have a choice to make. The day of “it’s too late” is just around the corner!
Consequences of Supporting Evil
Supporting evil actually has one consequence before God. Can you guess what it is?
Heaven’s Gate will soon shut and lock
How long will God wait for you — to repent? Jesus waited 1,952 years for me, and then 7 more years. Jesus saved me! I’m so glad He waited.
Your share of hardship
Jesus promised troubles would come our way as His followers. Paul said, “Take with me your share of hardship [passing through the difficulties which you are called to endure], like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.”
Freed from a righteous “God Damn”
John (3:18-21) discusses the topic of being God damned: Being freed or not being freed – from God’s condemnation. Do you know you are free? Or are you still God damned?
Being wrong
“8 Billion people can’t be wrong!” “On the contrary, billions of people CAN be wrong!” Reminded me of just how many people will be affected when Jesus suddenly surprises them, actually coming back just as He said He would. Are you ready for that day, or will it surprise you all to Hell?
Romans 15:4-7
Romans 15:4-7 4 For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope and overflow with confidence in His promises. 5 Now may the God who gives endurance and who supplies encouragement grant that you be of the same mind with […]
My Heinous Heinous Ways
There is a tendency to think that – because I have sinned, therefore God does not like me, doesn’t want me, and, boy is He miffed at me! But that is not what the Bible teaches. That is not what Jesus practiced. So why are folks so condemning of people who fail!? At this time in God’s plan of the ages for us, God is not condemning sinners. THAT will come later! Currently God is trying to get our attention to get us to accept Him before it is too late!