When it comes to God and your faith: What’ you got? I’ve got real, actual, tangible, historical and scientific evidences for my faith in Jesus. Jesus wins-out over all other contenders.
The Other Side
There is a world of difference between Christ and Mohammed, between following the teachings of Christ – and following the teachings of Mohammed. Choosing Christ takes you up a very different pathway and you end-up very far from where the pathway of Islam takes you down.
The Name of God
The use of the word “Allah” Resources available fromTHE PEOPLE OF THE BOOK: http://www.thepeopleofthebook.org This missionary organization is “following Isa along the straight path”. We desire to share the Good News of ‘Isa al-Masih‘ (Jesus the Messiah) with the growing Muslim community in the world. To know the only true God, honor and obey Him, […]