Are all your beliefs based on a solid Christian biblical base – the Bible? Or, what?
Don’t Be A Doofus
It really IS quite plain to see: this world and all of us creatures – could not possibly ever have come to be – without an intelligent designer, God, making us. Don’t be such a doofus!
“The God to whom I belong and whom I worship”
What kind of “god” are you now given-over to? You liken’ it? I absolutely vouch for Jesus!
Does it matter – what you believe?
Is it really all that important — who you are and what you believe? When it comes to God, getting born again, and what is or is not “a part of walking the walk” – does it matter? What is it, really, — getting “saved” and, following Jesus or following whatever? Does it matter? Do […]
Do you believe in Napoleon?
For me, “Jesus proofs” are so incontrovertible, so historically accurate, SO convincing… that I have given-over my life to Him. Jesus lives today and is coming again to receive His followers up into His Kingdom. Are you ready for that?
Know Your Evidence
…evidences for a confident faith in Christ Jesus
Realities God Has Established
You cannot declare what is truth. You cannot declare what is real, what you want reality to be. It is God who declares what is truth, what is real, what real reality is.
Oh what a day that will be!
Wow! To enter into the Kingdom of God – freely as His redeemed child. No cringing in shame, no shaking knees, sweating in fear, no burden of sinfulness before a Holy God. I can only imagine.