Jesus said “Follow Me”. “You must be born again.” But you’ve got to want it – to know it. Now is the acceptable only sure time to start following the Godman of the Heavens.
Why we never lose our salvation in Christ
IF God saves us, can He unsave us? Can anything unsave us? How powerful is this forgiving God? What kind of salvation does He provide for us?
He’s got this
Whatever it is that you’ve got troubling you, “He’s got this!” When I find myself in times of trouble, I turn to Jesus.
The Book of Life
Do you know what is the most important book ever written? I’ll give you a hint: It is not the Bible!
Be the one who endures and overcomes
There are only two types of humans on earth. You really really want to be the type who sincerely and truthfully accepts Christ, the one who endures all the way.
Are you in The Book of the Living?
God made a book. A list of names. Is your name written in The Book of the Living? 33 But the Lord said to Moses, “Whoever has sinned against Me, I will blot him out of My book…. – Verse 33 of Exodus 32:32-33; Also see: Psalm 69:28 See Bible references here: The Book of Life […]
His Plan of Immortality
Have you ever imagined living forever damned? God wants us to repent and come to Him. Have you asked God to reveal Himself to you? Have you talked to God, ever? Have you talked to God, confessing your need of forgiveness? Have you actually bowed inside your mind and yielded your will to Him? Have you acknowledged Christ as God-come-in-the-flesh, Lord of all? Now is the time.
Gods Matter
How absurd and utterly worthless – a life without the real God.