Are you willing to change? To be ready for the entrance into God’s Holy Kingdom – you must be radically changed. “You must be born again” Jesus said. Now THAT is radical!
1 John 3:1-3
As children of God, born again into His Kingdom — we have this hope in Jesus, and so then we keep purifying ourselves for Him. We repent of sin, to be holy, undefiled, guiltless… by His forever forgiveness.
Called by Jesus to be forever on a higher level
Getting saved does not leave us kneeling there — still a common puny human. At that moment of salvation we are made brand new, and are called by Jesus to be forever on a higher level. We have more than “eternity”. We have an extreme, high calling from our extreme High God.
Your “New Leaf”…once you have repented
How does one live once you’ve become a newbie Christian? What drives you, day by day, to do the things you do, to act the way you choose to act?
Passing on through to the other side
When you pass away, you pass through a doorway, sort of, and — whoops, there you are, ready or not… kneeling before God. You have reached your final destination — a timeless realm prepared by God. Ready for that?
Getting to Heaven is not a religious thing
I am frightened by the standard set by God for entrance into His Kingdom. “Few there be that find it….” It is no small thing to be forgiven by God, accepted by God, made a child of God, to finally become a member of God’s family. Salvation by Almighty God is done by Him as we give Him our all. If we do not respond by a life given-over completely to Him, then we are fooling ourselves. We are still damned all to Hell.
Freed from a righteous “God Damn”
John (3:18-21) discusses the topic of being God damned: Being freed or not being freed – from God’s condemnation. Do you know you are free? Or are you still God damned?
My needy, needy soul
My needy, needy soul needs to stay close to Creator God who formed me. We all do, wouldn’t you agree? God our Maker is still very involved in His creation, still. He desires to be intimately involved.
I live with confidence
Although I am not perfect, I have, growing in me…“love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control”. That grows confidence!
Enjoy spiritual well-being
We can live in contentment as we learn to walk the talk and stay close to God by our actions day to day. And when we fail, we confess our sin — and begin again renewed. That is spiritual wellness. That is the close walk with God.
The Rich Mindset of God
The Bible introduces us to the rich mindset of God. The Bible was shaped over hundreds of years by God inspired writers – prophets, and apostles. The Bible is showing us the mindset of God Himself.
Fighting the Good Fight
When I accepted God´s offer of salvation, God then and there forgave me and accepted me as His child. The battle is then to maintain our life holy, strong in Him. Even after becoming a child of the King, we have the option to ¨offer our body to sin¨(Romans 6) and shipwreck this life we live on earth. Once we are His, we are then to live in a manner that pleases our Jesus Christ – our Lord.