Salvation in Christ is a huge wonder. It’s a calling to be an actual child of God (not merely a puny human “creation” of His). It’s a calling to live with Him forever in His Home Heaven. Oh happy day!
Salvation is more than pie in the sky once we die. Jesus said His Holy Spirit would reside inside us from that moment forward. Right now! God, as Holy Spirit (One of the Trinity) will never leave us, never forsake us, never leave us alone.
See: | Never Die Alone | Even if you die you will live |
| Jesus said, “Good answer! Do it and you’ll live.” |
| Stand tall and lift up your heads in joy, Jesus said |
| Waiting for it |
We have to wait (1) until death takes us out of here, or (2) until Jesus raptures us suddenly. Are you ready for either one of these to happen to you? Are you ready to meet Your Maker? Or are you going to lose it all?
– Source: Waiting for it
Salvation is more
We have more than eternity. Although that should be enough (!), through Christ we have more, because we have been saved to a higher calling. We have an extreme, high calling from our extreme High God.
Have you accepted this? Or are you still so dull of hearing, still sneering, still clinging to your rotten sinfulness that we all struggle with, still unwilling to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior?
Jesus saves us from our sin, and more importantly — from His condemnation (Romans 8:1,37-39). But you’ve got to want it to know it — that salvation. Accept Him today. Want it!
See: | Contemplate this |
| The sins around us and the sins we do |
| Promises God makes about your salvation |
More than eternity
What more than a glorious “eternity” do we have in Jesus?
1. Made brand new now – living a forever life right now.
We are changed in that instant into brand new creatures.
2. Children of God
We have been made Children of God, now, in the very moment of salvation.
3. Protected forever
Our salvation is confirmed, affirmed and absolutely maintained and protected by God Almighty Himself. Each of us can know that you know you know.
These things I have written
to you
who believe
in the name of the Son of God,
so that you may know
that you have eternal life.
– 1 John 5:13
4. Live and rule
We will live and rule with Jesus in the Millennium rule of Christ on earth.
5. Never lose His love
Never again will we be 1) liable for our sins, 2) subject to His wrath, 3) put under His condemnation, nor 4) put into the suffering place of Hell. We will never ever loose it.
Romans 8:39, is an absolute assurance from the Lord that our salvation is secure in Him. Eternal life would not be “eternal” if one day I could lose it! Jesus does not give “provisionary life”! His “eternal life” is actually eternal. 1
The only question is: Have you been truly saved? Will you be turned away by Jesus in the End?
– Source: Promises God makes about your salvation
Imagine Heaven as home
My best day here – it’s not even on the graph of Heaven’s Pleasure Chart. Nothing here comes even close to how much better “good” will be, and be forever – there. Always high – up on that chart. Always constant. No bad days. – Source: My best day here
Love will be a constant quadrillion aroma. Sweet. Every one around you – with an attitude… a love attitude, in all we think, in all we want, in all we feel, in all we say, in all we do. Every moment a timeless infinity. (There’ll be no “time”, no “eons”. Incomprehensible now.)
Always forgiving, never condemning. Never upset. Never a frown of sadness. No tears. Always up, never down… inside our soul and on our face. Always a smile, always for-real-cheerful.
Source: Heaven will be awe-full and law-less
What God did for man was absolutely amazing. No matter who you are: Get ready! It’s happenin’ soon! Wait for it.
At death – we put on immortality
Every believers new life in Christ [Part One]
Playing with sin Excerpt: If you struggle with sin, that means you are not accepting of it. You are rejecting sin but finding your flesh overwhelming. Born-again followers do that. There is a difference between being a sinner – versus living in sin. All born-again believers are sinners, but they have rejected sin by turning to Christ. They have been freed by God – from condemnation.
Being a sinner – versus living in sin
Salvation in Christ is beyond huge Directory for this Article:
(This is a long one! Sorry.)
Intro *Read it all at one sitting, or return to read each linked section at a later time. Enjoy!
The Remarkable State of His Amazing Grace
( 1 ) Non-followers “devoid of the Spirit”
( 2 ) Saved – Given Entrance to His Kingdom
( 3 ) Babies in Christ
( 4 ) Maturing Followers
Oh haunting fear of death – be gone
The Wrath of God and His indignation
Six different types of wrath – from God
Can I become unsaved for any reason?
Small gods and our great big beautiful God Excerpt: Is your “god” too small? Does “he” leave you fearful about your eternity?
What kind of god have you chosen? Maybe YOU are your own “god”? Who you going to call?
Suggested reading: Your God Is Too Small: A Guide for Believers and Skeptics Alike Paperback – June 1, 2004; by J.B. Phillips.
Maybe as a Christian – you think God is fickle, and might come back on you to damn you to Hell – because you failed Him too much? (How much is “enough”?)
Believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Anointed One
Salvation in Christ is beyond huge
Promises God makes about your salvation
You cannot “lose” what God keeps secured for us:
That is because God’s grace is bigger than all of our sins (Ephesians 2:8-9).
That is because His Salvation is guaranteed by God Almighty Himself. Now THAT is sure! (Romans 8:28-39)
That is because His Forgiveness is an act of God, not an act of mere puny humans (John 3:16-18).
That is because He holds us securely in His salvation, and promised that none would be lost (John 10:28).
That is because God cannot lie. His promises are true and reliable (Hebrews 6:18).
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