The Bible shows us clearly what God has been doing throughout the history of mankind. We see what Jesus has done for us. Read it for yourself. Prove me wrong!
Being pleasing
Getting born again established my identity. I am a child of God now. Rejecting sin is a part of my identity. How ’bout you?
How you can know you are a Christian
The final frontier is just ahead. Ready for it? Do you know you are a Christian? Are you really really sure? Be sure – read the Bible.
That moment of death
There is a place
where turning back’s a choice no longer
Hell is waiting but Jesus calls
What will it be for you?
Say you Heaven or say you Hell
Salvation in Christ is beyond huge
Christ offers us His “iron-clad” humongous type of salvation… or, on the flip-side, this article could be titled… “The limits of what God will do for sinners”.
Doing one act of love at a time
Every breathing moment is a new moment to choose to be loving to others – or not. I do not have to be what I was in the past. I don’t have to be what I was this morning! I can choose to confess and repent — and be loving now. I’m developing habits of love!
Jesus Was The Christ, The Messiah Sent From God
The New Testament shows us Jesus was the Christ. Want to be a believer? Read the Bible!
What man can live and not see death? – Psalm 89:48
“What man can live and not see death?” (Psalm 89:48) Death is quite the non-respecter of peoples. We die. That’s it, for earth time. Done. Finito. But there is One who has had victory over death.
Faking It
Jesus warned us not to be dishonest with Him. You can NOT fake it with God. He knows your heart. You must be genuinely born again.
Heaven is where – earth is behind us
Heaven is where – all the earth experience is behind us — without the enemies of our soul to wreck everything
Welcome to the show, What’s Beyond The Door! The stakes are gargantuanly humongous!
This game is all about you. The stakes are gargantuan. You play it alone. Everyone plays it – alone. What’s at stake: Here on this live show you will either gain the best eternal life you could ever dream of having — or you will loose-out forever.
One thing you lack
Jesus is inviting you to come into His Kingdom. Forever! Imagine how exotic and opulent – His Place? Is that exciting – or what!? I’m looking for that! Have you visited Jesus, like the rich young ruler, and blindly held-on to your ways in the midst of all your religiosities? It is a fearful thing to consider being rejected by a damning God. How far would you go to NOT be God-damned?
Pleasure and bad behaviors we love to fall for
We love simple pleasures. Don’t we? Life is good. God is good. The problem with pleasure is: Not all pleasure is of God. Jesus said we need to clean our insides – so that our outsides can then live-out worthy behavior. Pick a sin – any sin – and discern where you are at. Judge yourself all day long. Romans 12:2.
This is Salvation in Christ
It’s a very simple message from God, actually – what He expects of us. His message is to all of us — us sinful, willful, rebellious, self-centered creatures. God is asking you and me to repent.
Hope in Christ
Imagine a personal friend so close he is available instantly. Anytime anywhere he will help you with anything on your mind.
The well-guarded soul
The well-guarded soul will keep you following Jesus. What can you do to guard your soul?
Limited Grace
Salvation in Christ is not a willy-nilly “free for all” gift bin. The Gospel of Christ is not a “come one, come all” offer by God. No. You must be born again.
I will not be a fan
In my tiny tiny world my time, my hours and my days the years and decades pass events and “chance” what comes and goes decisions made or not relation moments made or lost rush swiftly by but leave effects upon the lives around me I will not be a fan sitting idly by watching from […]
Being a Sinner
Being a sinner is actually quite humiliating, isn’t it? (I assume you also are… and can relate?) I did not want this. I did not plan this. I did not want to be in this. So what do you do about it? My ambition in life – is to please my God. So, this sinning is not what I want. And yet, I still sin! The thing is, though God saves us in an instant, maturity is a lifelong process that takes time. We have to learn to take it as it comes – and look to Christ moment by moment. We don’t accept the sinning, but we accept that we are weak and in need of the power of God in our life!
Your Chance To Choose
You can choose life, or you can choose death. Choose life under God, or choose life void totally of the graces of God our Creator. It´s your choice. Take it or leave it.
Prove Me Wrong
The Bible shows us clearly what God has been doing throughout the history of mankind. We see what Jesus has done for us. Read it for yourself. Prove me wrong!
World of Difference
It will make a world of difference which “god” you choose to follow. “It may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you’re gonna have to serve somebody.”
Lost I Came To Him
There is no hope without Creator God as Savior of our soul. I’m joyful, full of hope because – when I bowed my knee that day – He made me brand new. He lives in me!