We are all so sinful. Incomplete. But there are many today who say sin is irrelevant. They say they are not sinning. How odd. Sinning is so common. I sin. You sin. What’s with this?
It is bare open
The other day a man walked through the door of a bar in the countryside. I could see where his heart was, deep inside him, because a well-beaten path led back to his own door. His heart was bare open, plain to see. Our hearts are laid bare open by …the evidences smeared all over the course of our life.
Quick and Harsh
We all do it. It is so easy. We jump to it! Each of us – we suddenly are harsh and unloving. We jump to judgment, condemning others around us. Our harsh words and attitudes come out of such lovely, innocent faces. We often draw conclusions without all the facts – and then shame and […]
A worthy life
Am I supportive of the souls I meet… every day, every meeting of the souls? Or do I dim their soul (put out their light) with my merciless condemnations? I’m not where I want to be, but I’m getting there, one step at a time.
Admitting I was wrong
Ever feel like a working moron! Sometimes I am a moron! I do exactly NOT what I wanted to do, just as the Apostle Paul admitted in Romans 7: verse 15. How foolish is that!? Jesus does not condemn me when I sin! God does not approve my sin. He wants me to be pure and righteous, all together. But my God is a 1 Corinthians 13 type of God (verses :4-8a)!
When talking choose nice
Do you know how to converse without offending? We can choose to talk nice words. How are you doing with that?
My Heinous Heinous Ways
There is a tendency to think that – because I have sinned, therefore God does not like me, doesn’t want me, and, boy is He miffed at me! But that is not what the Bible teaches. That is not what Jesus practiced. So why are folks so condemning of people who fail!? At this time in God’s plan of the ages for us, God is not condemning sinners. THAT will come later! Currently God is trying to get our attention to get us to accept Him before it is too late!