If we carefully read Scripture, we are sure to see horribly false teachings are rampant in many churches today. They form a NARcissistic gospel. It is incumbent upon us to warn others of the actual false teachers and their false teachings. Paul and John and Jude warned about this (2 Corinthians 11:4). Let’s examine where Jude urges us to “contend for the faith”, “fight strenuously for the faith”, defend the faith.
“I am against you”, God says
To whom did God say “I am against you”? Let’s look at those references.
“The kingdom of God is among you”
The earth will not see itself getting better — until Jesus returns, destroys His enemies at Armegeddon, and THEN establishes His Millennial Rule on earth. Jesus Himself said, “For the kingdom of God is among you [because of My presence].” (Luke 17:20-21)
Why listen to a false teacher?
Who would bother listening to Adolf Hitler speeches in order to get his “good stuff”?! Why go to false teachers… for anything?
Why look into biblical prophecies?
About believing with confidence, “with a sense of longing and eager expectancy” in the midst of a world going mad.
Examples of false doctrines
Examples of false doctrines to stay away from.
Biblical Commentary About Daily News (1)
So sad, that (in some churches) 30% of those around you in church — are not going to heaven. We cannot assume our fellow attendees believe the truth that God came to earth as a man. And THAT is an integral part of the Gospel of Jesus. In fact, many pastors outright teach false doctrines like this from the pulpit, saying “Jesus isn’t God”. Unbelievable! Why worship Jesus, if He is a mere puny man? His death on the cross would then mean nothing.
2 Timothy 4:3
2 Timothy 4:3. Amplified Bible (AMP) “For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine….”
Needing something more than Jesus
If in your faith in Christ — you are also needing something more than Jesus, then you are most likely being led astray, taught by a counterfeit charismatic movement leader or a New Age church. These charming charmers, false teachers, “turn away from the faith, paying attention instead to deceitful and seductive spirits and doctrines of demons”.