Are you misrepresenting God with your practice of spiritual gifts? Oftentimes the pewsitter, the apostle, the prophet, the teacher… misrepresent God. Do you know what they do?
Pure Junk
Is your “faith” actually “junk”? Does God think your thinking is worthless? It’s worth thinking about.
Jesus will reject many “Christians”
Jesus Himself said many that come to Him in the end times will be rejected. Wow. This is not expected! Why will He reject so many? These that He rejects are nice people, loving people. They each call themselves Christians. So much for getting to Heaven by being nice and loving! “Loving” does not save.
Defining who is a false teacher – versus – just a dumbhead who got it wrong
Who is a false teacher, as contrasted with just a dumbhead who got it wrong? God is against the false teacher, but He forgives dumbheads like me who sometimes get it wrong. What is your definition of “false teacher”?
Christian Answers Regarding Islam
Muhammad, or Jesus the Messiah? Which is the One sent by Father God? We’ve got to get this right, or else miss the true Savior of sinners. Read more here….