PIC: Satan is rejected. Paradise Lost – from CreationToday.Org
Jesus Himself said many that come to Him in the end times will be rejected. Wow. This is not expected! Why will He reject so many?
These are nice people, loving people. They each call themselves Christians. So much for getting to Heaven by being nice and loving! “Loving” does not save.
The unSaved
By logic Jesus’ words mean that for a lot of reasons many pew-sitters in churches are not saved. They are not real Christians. They are merely those who come to “fill the pews” in churches.
They are “liking Jesus“, but not given-over to Him 100%. 1 The reality? They actually are part of the unsaved flock, the goats.
| The non-stop work of God inside you and me |
| Road sign: God is at work up ahead |
Faithful sheep and – the goats
The faithful sheep of Jesus’ flock step in through Heaven’s Gate with confidence, but the rebellious goats… are thrown b-b-bleating into eternal existence without anything good. See: 2 Peter 3:verse 16
Two places to die for:
Sheep walk into Heaven’s Graceland with Jesus
See: | Windows into Heaven |
| Entrance Granted into the Eternal |
Goats are thrown to their own destruction (Matthew 25:30-46)
See: | There is a place | Being God Damned |
– Source: After that moment of passing
Some goats are just clueless, I imagine. Others are lifetime fakers full of Chutzpah. Many reasons. Many sorrows. Much grief.
They don’t know it
What’s scary is: they don’t know it. They think they are the faithful sheep of Jesus’ flock. But they were never saved. (I write more about this down below).
Each unfaithful is “the tare” in the parable Jesus gave us. They are the unsaved. Tares grow side by side with the faithful, the wheat. Same face, different heart.
Which one are you? Are you a tare? 2
What is one of the biggest reasons why a so-called “Christian” is not actually saved? Well, first of all, obviously — Jesus warned about it!
In Matthew 7, Jesus warns us about how He will personally reject many in the end times. He will have to tell many who come to Him in Jesus name: “Depart from Me.”
Getting rejected?
I find this fascinating: These who Jesus warns about getting rejected? They will have been actively prophesying, busy doing miracles, and busy casting out demons — in the Name of Jesus!
Who does those things? For the most part: Charismatics.
Charismatics are characterized by those practices. That’s ominous. This is what Jesus Himself said:
Matthew 7:21-23
21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven.
22 Many will say to Me on that day [when I judge them], ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, and driven out demons in Your name, and done many miracles in Your name?’
23 And then I will declare to them publicly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me [you are banished from My presence], you who act wickedly [disregarding My commands].’
This, directed to those who call themselves “Christian” — is the scariest message spoken by Jesus, ever:
‘I never knew you;
depart from Me
[you are banished
from My presence],
you who act wickedly
[disregarding My commands].’
– Verse 23 of Matthew 7:21-23
Those who are banished
These who are banished may say, “After a lifetime of ‘serving the Lord’, living for Jesus, acting lovingly to all, repenting of all of my sins… Jesus rejects me!? No way!
See: | Will you be turned away by Jesus? |
| We know what Jesus believes. Do you agree with Him? |
“You who act wickedly”
Jesus defines this rejected group as “You who act wickedly”. It is the person who is “disregarding My commands” that will hear Jesus say, “Depart from Me.”
Are you putting aside Jesus’ commands? Is this the “one thing you lack“, as when Jesus talked with the Pharisee? That Pharisee went away as a b-b-bleating goat, not a sheep of my pasture (Jeremiah 23:1).
Never really saved
They never were really “of us”, says John. He did not say: “They were saved — then NOT.” No.
John declares quite emphatically: “They went out from us …but they were not really of us….”
19 They went out from us [seeming at first to be Christians],
but they were not really of us [because they were not truly born again and spiritually transformed];
for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but they went out [teaching false doctrine], so that it would be clearly shown that none of them are of us.
“They were not really of us”
If we “follow Jesus plus some other…” – then we are in another grouping that John points to as not really of us – not truly following Jesus. We are then “seeming at first to be Christians…” but not.
Only seeming to be, is not to really be.
This is what true Christians stream from deep inside their soul, for real:
* What Jesus wants to see in me
* We know what Jesus believes. Do you agree with Him?
* Growing into our natural new life in Christ
Salvation is all about Jesus:
standing with Him,
projecting what He taught,
thinking like He thinks,
being like Him,
agreeing with Him,
growing into new life in Him.
If saved – we mature in Him.
Salvation only happens if your heart is sincere and truthful and not holding-back. A cracked heart does not submit 100% to Jesus. Got an achy, achy cracked heart?
In the book of Acts we are warned:
Acts 20:30-31
“even from among your own selves men will arise, speaking perverse and distorted things, to draw away the disciples after themselves [as their followers].
31 Therefore be continually alert, remembering that for three years, night or day, I did not stop admonishing and advising each one [of you] with tears.”
Also see: Matthew 7:13-23; Luke 13:27; Colossians 2:18
Why the tears, Paul?
The Apostle Paul shed tears because they, the tares, are still damned, still willful, still unforgiven, unrepentant, unwilling to bow the knee in obedience to His Way.
They slip slide away into their “made-up” false teachings and into the errant ways of other religious or non-religious leaders. So many “other gospels” that do not save!
Instead of going the right way they go their own way with their own thinking. That is what a cracked heart does.
Okay with Jesus
How can one imagine himself/herself “okay with Jesus” —- if not in agreement with Him!? That is so illogical.
So, so sad. So eternally sad. Don’t go there! Guard your life – and do not attend an apostate church.
What NAR Charismatics are like
Since Jesus will reject “many” (as Matthew 7:21-23 tells us), that means that these “many” folk are not saved. It isn’t that they were saved at one time, and then “lost it” – to become unsaved once again. No.
The answer is: No. They were actually never saved in the first place.
Never lose your salvation in Christ
One who was truly saved by God — can never become unSaved. Never again. There is a whole list of reasons “Why we never lose our salvation in Christ”.
See: Can I become unsaved for any reason?
*This article comes from: What God Did for Man *It is an adaptation of an excerpt of the section “When I reconcile with God everything changes! Count the ways:”
For exact Scripture references and why I believe the Bible teaches this:
For more about “What NAR Charismatics are like”…here are some articles dealing with the NAR issues.
The gullibility of the common person
Why listen to a false teacher?
Warning to us against becoming Apostate
Jesus rejects me!? No way!
- We don’t get 100% sinless. Big difference. We don’t come to Jesus for salvation after we finally clean-up. He washes us, not we ourselves.
He says “whosoever will may come”. Come as you are, in your sickness of sin. HE saves, and then Holy Spirit begins a work inside us – for righteous living.
God is
HUGELY merciful
AMAZINGLY full of grace
IMMENSELY forgiving
towards us.But
He requires we turn to Him out of our free will – to receive all of this: His mercy, grace, forgiveness and love. All this from our Loving God.But none of it will be experienced by those who do not yield and turn. It is your choice.
He never has
and never will
force anyone
to turn
and follow Him.His love compels us towards Him. To be born again, we must turn 180 degrees from sin, and accept Him fully as our Lord and Savior. – Source: The Chutzpah of Wannabe Christians.
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