Non-stop… God’s grace is teaching us to reject sin. How’s that going for you these days? Still so dull, or now living new life in Christ?
Being pleasing
Getting born again established my identity. I am a child of God now. Rejecting sin is a part of my identity. How ’bout you?
The Inclusive Yet Exclusive Salvation of Jesus
Did you know that God limited His grace towards us, His fallen creation? Salvation, in that sense, is not free. It will cost you – all of you. The salvation of Jesus is both inclusive and exclusive. Find out how that works.
What God asks of us in the Bible
Do you know what God is asking of us? It is so simple.
What God secures – You cannot “lose”
We are not saved after all these years – because we clung desperately to Him. No. We are still saved because He holds us firmly in His Hands. “I am the Door; anyone who enters through Me will be saved….” (John 10:9)
Change the way you live
Talking with some people who asked Him about the sinful ways of others… Jesus taught that it would be an eternally favorable act — to change your way of living. “…unless you repent [change your old way of thinking, turn from your sinful ways and live changed lives], you will all likewise perish.” – Verse […]
Claiming a sin as – God’s will for you
Nowadays we have way too many professing “Christians” who are confusing compassion and love for others with God’s marvelous grace. Many are now exchanging His grace for inclusivity. They claim that God will accept certain sinners – in their sin – because they are exceptionally loving and kind. Is that biblical? Will God accept you because you are exceptionally loving?
Promises God makes about your salvation
God made some huge promises. Absolutely beyond huge. Eternally huge promises. Salvation is His biggest. Do you have that one secured?
Shrink back? Not a chance!
Salvation in Christ is a sure thing — because God Himself saves us. THAT is a sure thing!
Heaven’s Gate will soon shut and lock
How long will God wait for you — to repent? Jesus waited 1,952 years for me, and then 7 more years. Jesus saved me! I’m so glad He waited.
“The spirits of the righteous made perfect”
In that moment in time when you repented and accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior – your spirit was made perfect. It has to be perfect to enter the Kingdom of our Perfect God. You were saved through grace and sheer mercy. And now your name is written in The Book of Life.
The Redemption of God
The Pawn Shop analogy – where what is lost absolutely must be redeemed. You been redeemed?
Passing on through to the other side
When you pass away, you pass through a doorway, sort of, and — whoops, there you are, ready or not… kneeling before God. You have reached your final destination — a timeless realm prepared by God. Ready for that?
And time will be no more
Some day soon, whether through my death, or via the Rapture, “time will be no more” for me. Time will cease for me in that moment. I’m ready for that. How about you? No doubt about it! I’m assured by the Lord that there is no question about this: I’ll be there. God already gave me eternal life. I have it now!
“I give them eternal life”
When you step into eternity, will you rest assured that you have eternal life? You can.
Are you filthy or beautified?
I for one do not want to arrive in God’s Courts with filthy rags on, stinking of sin – before the God of the Universe. How ’bout you? Do you wear filthy robes – or have you been beautified with rich robes of forgiveness? God is able to take away all your past sinfulness — and place you in good standing with Him. No matter how grave your sin, no matter how long you sinned, no matter. No problem. He is able.
The Gift by His Precious, Undeserved Grace
Oh how marvelous – His grace towards us, sinners all. When it comes to repentance for salvation – Jesus is all inclusive. He will accept any truly repentant sinner of any vile stripe. You name it, He will forgive. But His is a limited grace. Don’t try to squeeze-by in His courts of justice.
Seeing change in your heart
Are you ready to meet Jesus face-to-face on that day? Are you seeing change in your heart – since you “became a Christian”? We absolutely will see change towards godliness in our life… when the Holy Spirit enters into us. If you’re not seeing change towards Him, perhaps you never turned towards Him. Perhaps you never got saved, ever. But it’s not too late.
Small gods, and our great big beautiful God
Is your “god” too small? Does “he” leave you fearful about your eternity? What kind of god have you chosen? Were you ever truly born again – back when you supposedly “accepted Christ”?
Being 100% given-over to Jesus
Being faithful to Jesus – that is what we want, right? Being faithful – when the Rapture happens? (I really want to go on that ride!) I live for Jesus, and that is why I live with confidence. How ’bout you? Accepting Jesus- plus some other is totally rejected by Jesus. That “other gospel” faith is the road that leads to the other place, not to God’s Home Heaven.
Heaven. What’s it going to be like?
Heaven. What’s it going to be? Many say, I can only imagine. Well, not really – because we can really know, not merely “imagine”. The Bible tells us a lot about Heaven.
Oh How Marvelous
Marvelous grace. To a sinner, what else could be so marvelous? God’s grace, that “un-merited” bestowing of a blessing on me. Just because of Him. Just because He chooses to do so within His Heavenly legal system.
Extreme to the nth degree
Our God reveals Himself in the Bible to be extreme to the nth degree. He is many many things, but lets just look at His love and His holiness. It is only Jesus that was the perfect sacrifice to take our place of condemnation. He is calling you to accept Him.
Hell Fire Insurance
I have really tried to, but can’t seem to find in the Bible any reference to “Hell Fire Insurance”. Have you? Actually Scripture points to an entirely different policy.
Our Life As God Sees It. Ephesians 2:1-10
*Capture each part of the process of being made alive in Christ. Here the passage is broken into its separate phrases and nuanced truths …explained here by the Apostle Paul in Ephesians chapter 2, verses 1-10. Ephesians 2:1-10 Amplified Bible (AMP) 2 “And you [He made alive when you] were [spiritually] dead and separated from […]
Withholding Obedience
Have you received Jesus as your Savior… in the New Testament sense of the word? Or did you just say to Him something like, “Yea, well, okay Jesus”?
2 Peter 3
2 Peter 3:1-18 The Day of the Lord Will Come 3 This is now the second letter that I am writing to you, beloved. In both of them g I am stirring up your sincere mind by way of reminder, 2 h that you should remember the predictions of i the holy prophets and the commandment of […]
Through Grace and Sheer Mercy
Martin Luther was the one who first expressed it like this: “…I grasped that the righteousness of God is that righteousness by which through grace and sheer mercy God justifies us through faith.” Sheer mercy!
Getting Born Again
Jesus said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” In God’s legal system, all of mankind is condemned to hell because we are naturally unable to be holy [“holy” = without sin]. He cannot have sin in His Kingdom. Makes sense: He is holy! His choice – because of His nature. However, He loved us so much that He provided legal forgiveness for any who choose to follow Him. Quite simple, actually.