In times of trouble – God is calling us to turn to Him for help. Whatever our need, God is always saying Turn to Me. Of course not all times of trouble are from the Lord. But Scripture does teach us that God sometimes brings us difficult experiences in order to cause us to turn to Him (1 Corinthians 10:11-13).
Blessed by forgiveness by The Hand of God our Savior
Forgiveness by God Himself, is different than some human granting you forgiveness (even that of a priest). God’s forgiveness is official in Heaven’s Courts, and so, it lasts forever.
Road Sign: God is at work up ahead
We are surely in a wild and confusing age. The world seems to be caught-up in a whirlwind of evil, totally out of control. But the reality is: God Himself is the real controller.
You are all wrong, Jesus said
Are you tipping the scales to get what you want? Maybe using the wrong scales? “You are all wrong
because you know neither the Scriptures [which teach the resurrection] nor the power of God [for He is able to raise the dead].”
The Hand of God
The life you are living — is it ready and able, for the Lord? It might be small, not so great, but He wants us ready to serve Him with this life — while we have breath. Actually try to do the deed. What do we miss out on? What do we miss — because we do not take the time to understand what God has for us …in the Bible (2 Timothy 3:16)? It is all laid-out for us so we can understand Him better. How much do we not understand about God’s power in us and around us? Live daily with the expectation that the hand of God is upon you.
The Good Fight
As His followers, day in and day out we are fighting the good fight against the old nature. We can then rest assured we are not “practicing sin” for we are in the fight. We are secure in Him.