God is calling about your appointment. He will not disappoint.
What is your brand?
What are you known for? That is your brand. Will God accept your confession — with that brand? God will reject all but those with the brand of Jesus.
Refuse to admit your sin
What sort of person are you? There is a sign in the Bible that should be posted outside the entrance to your heart: Watch out for the dogs! The Apostle Paul warned about those vicious scavenger dogs. Basically he was saying: Watch out for those who distort true Christianity!
The Inclusive Yet Exclusive Salvation of Jesus
Did you know that God limited His grace towards us, His fallen creation? Salvation, in that sense, is not free. It will cost you – all of you. The salvation of Jesus is both inclusive and exclusive. Find out how that works.
“Whosoever will may come”
Have you arrived to the Pearly Gates “in Christ”? Or are you still putting off accepting Christ?
Being a Temp in our temporary tent
Life is short. This life is temporary. Are you ready for the next?
Seeking and Pursuing Death
How are you “doing” your life? It’s only one life. Got anything going for the next one… just beyond the veil?
Happiest day ever
We have good days, and some not so good. What was your happiest day ever?
Ready to lose it?
Are you ready to lose your soul today – forever? Job 27:8 puts it well: ““For what is the hope of the godless, even though he has gained [in this world], When God takes his life?
Puny humans
Quotes about mere puny mud-men and women of clay – us.
What false prophets are like
Here are many biblical texts about false prophets, false spirits, and their false teachings. The Bible warns us about the increasing danger of false teachings creeping into our churches, of false teachers among us. False teachers are church leaders who reject the Bible or portions of the Bible. They reject the gospel preached by Paul and Jesus… and begin to teach “another gospel” which is not the one from Jesus.
Life Is Short
Life is short. As they say, “First you’re born, then you die”. If you get all the way through the maze, you realize it was not a long path. Heaven or Hell. There are only two alternatives for us after life on earth: Be with God forever, or be without God forever. It´s your choice. Which one have you chosen?
Vile To Jesus
God allows us total freedom to do whatever the hell we want. We love to be freeeeee! That tends to give us such a sense of “yippeeee!” that, as a consequence… our life can kind of get out of control.In the grip of our “yippeeee” lifestyle, we forget God and His ways. It’s just too much fun, we think. And it is true, we can do anything possible, but, as Jesus taught, there will be a day of reckoning. We have total freedom here on earth, but there are consequences. God does have standards.
Can Jesus Forgive You?
Tomorrow may never come for you. Are you ready for that? Are you too far gone for God to care? Jesus showed that He cares. Jesus saves sinners. He saved me. You can come to Him.