We find this in Joshua 24:15 – “Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve.” Are you choosing your practices by what God has told us in the Bible?
You cannot lose what God keeps secured for us
Saving faith in Jesus has the most secure promise of God than enything in the universe! Turn to Him in repentance… and start a never ending journey through eternity with the One and Only God. He loved us to the nth degree, and He promises “I give them eternal life, and they will never, ever [by any means] perish; and no one will ever snatch them out of My hand” (John 10:28).
Fear of death enslaves you
Are you living the good life – with courage and confident hope? Because we are “in Christ” we are confident in Him (Romans 8). “But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait eagerly for it with patience and composure” (verse 25).
This Hope we have – and what this hope does
If we genuinely have this hope within us, we will be actively cooperating with the Spirit of God to become purified. You that?
Fearfully evil dark things are here
What we are seeing and hearing in current news… is so filled with horror that many fall prey to “Cognitive Dissonance”, covering their eyes and ears to the facts. When “He who restrains” is taken off the planet, along with all believers, then the Antichrist will be unrestrained. Imagine the horrors of evil then! Unrestrained evil humans!
The Great Reset for the Beast is just around the corner
“While they are saying, “Peace and safety [all is well and secure!]” then [in a moment unforeseen] destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains on a woman with child, and they will absolutely not escape [for there will be no way to escape the judgment of the Lord]. – 1 Thessalonians 5:3 Here […]
The secret of facing both plenty and hunger, abundance and need
Are you going through difficult times today? The Apostle Paul went through just about anything and everything that life could throw at him. And he came out of each one – stronger. Through all the trials and testing, he came out the other end of it and said, “I have learned the secret…” of how […]
A swift barrage of shattering events will unfold after the Rapture – coming soon
During the Great Tribulation period, you can still find hope in Christ. But why wait – and get beheaded for you belief?! When the Antichrist is first revealed then… the Rapture of all true Christians will take place. Get ready before that happens: Pray for Salvation now.