There is only one message from God: Jesus saves sinners forever. Have you been saved?
The Overcoming Faith of Christ Followers
A faith that overcomes the daily faith challenges of life – is only possible because God made us brand new inside. Have you been made brand new – in Jesus?
What being “saved” means
Getting “saved” by Jesus, is 100% a thing of the heart. If your life doesn’t follow your confession, then you did not get saved. Simple. Tragic for many, many who live in error.
Turn shame into repentance
God does not overlook and excuse sin. However, Jesus dealt with the sins of others in a much more merciful manner than we tend to do with our self, “our” sins – and the sins of others. Are you “biblical” with sin and shame?
Know that you know you know
Sometimes a believer may wonder: “Am I really truly saved?” The Bible says we can know we are. What does the Bible say about our salvation in Christ? Are you sure you are saved?
Judgement of God
The judgement of God is a sure thing – guaranteed by God Himself. God also guarantees eternal freedom from judgement to all that turn to Him. That is why Jesus came to earth. Jesus came to save us all. Are you ready to meet your Maker?
I am not the sum of all my sins
I am a child of the King – not the sum of all my sins.
The Chutzpah of Wannabe Christians
Is your brain noggin talkin’ biblically? God does not overlook and excuse our sins. Never has. Never will. He forgives – or – he condemns. However, Jesus dealt with the sins of others in a much more merciful manner than we tend to do with our self and our sins – and the sins of others. When it comes to “sin”: Is your brain noggin talkin’ biblically, or …how?
Take Jesus’ Challenge
What is your response to this challenge from the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Here is the challenge:
The privilege of my existence
You ever stop to think about your existence? Wow! What a privilege to have been created. What a privilege – that God Himself cares about me, about you. I have hope. Anyone on earth can have hope and joy everyday – through Jesus. He carries me. He is the lifter of my soul. (Psalm 3:3) […]
Ashamed of Yourself?
Have you ever done something you are ashamed of? God does not overlook and excuse sin (Romans 1: verse 18). Never has. Never will. However, Jesus dealt with the sins of others in a much more merciful manner than we tend to do with our self and our sins – and the sins of others. Is your brain noggin talkin’ negative or positive? Biblical or what?
Entrance Granted Into the Eternal
There are many ways to live your life, many religions and philosophies of man, many faiths to follow. Whatever you call yours, we all become engrossed by it during our stay upon this globe. All these “ways” have their gatekeepers who welcome or guard the entrance into their paradise. But Jesus is the one and only gatekeeper of Heaven’s Gate. He is The One who grants entrance into the awesome Kingdom of Creator God.
His Plan of Immortality
Have you ever imagined living forever damned? God wants us to repent and come to Him. Have you asked God to reveal Himself to you? Have you talked to God, ever? Have you talked to God, confessing your need of forgiveness? Have you actually bowed inside your mind and yielded your will to Him? Have you acknowledged Christ as God-come-in-the-flesh, Lord of all? Now is the time.
A God Damn
Have you ever tried to grasp the deep intensity of God’s feelings against your sin? Do you know how much He hates sin?
God’s System of Justice
Let’s look at the real God and His very real system of justice. Let’s look at this from within what His book tells us. These are the parts of God’s system:
The Wonder of the Birth of God
GOD came down to earth to be born a baby of a common woman. THAT is the greatest wonder.