The two doctrines are true: He chooses us (1 Peter 2:9), and we have a choice to make: “Whosoever will may come”. Have you chosen Him for yourself? Only God is Good. Choose to make that “eternal divide” permanent – for goodness sake.
In Christ I am a strong person
Are you strong? Have you proven yourself?
Passing on through to the other side
When you pass away, you pass through a doorway, sort of, and — whoops, there you are, ready or not… kneeling before God. You have reached your final destination — a timeless realm prepared by God. Ready for that?
Are you viable?
Have you been made viable for Heaven? Just like a human fetus is viable upon conception, ready to launch into living as a human, we can become viable for Heaven – by becoming “born again“. Believing in the name of Jesus makes us viable. Through new life in Christ – we become viable for Heaven. […]
God takes care of sinners
We all sin. The allurements of the enemies of our soul entrap us with sin, saying, go that way. The message of Christ says, repent, turn this way. “I am the way, the truth, and the life….” We struggle not to sin. So, what kind of sinner are you?
The well-guarded soul
The well-guarded soul will keep you following Jesus. What can you do to guard your soul?
Enlightened Folks
Are you one of those? The many “enlightened” folks who have tasted what God does in Christians, maybe even liked it… but you haven’t really yielded to God, you haven’t truly choosen to follow Him? Have you fallen away?
Fighting the Good Fight
When I accepted God´s offer of salvation, God then and there forgave me and accepted me as His child. The battle is then to maintain our life holy, strong in Him. Even after becoming a child of the King, we have the option to ¨offer our body to sin¨(Romans 6) and shipwreck this life we live on earth. Once we are His, we are then to live in a manner that pleases our Jesus Christ – our Lord.