Our “old self” is being continually corrupted “through deceitful desires”. So where do you find healing for your soul? What do you want to have accomplished with your soul – by the time you reach your final destination?
I am well in my soul
I embrace this life God gave me. I also “Embrace the Suck” (the difficulties). It’s up to me to keep watch over my soul, my spirit, keep it fit, keep it clean, keep it well. Life in Jesus is all about Him. I refuse to “opt out”, to give in to sin. I don’t let it beat me down.
Prophecies in the Bible: A Perfect Track Record
The Bible has a “perfect prophetic track record”. Of course you will need to read the record to see for yourself! I challenge you. God planned the details of today’s events, all the way through, and that is exactly how it all is playing-out in today’s End Times. God is with us, so we need not fear what is coming.
Better times – forever young
Better times are coming soon… when Jesus returns. But oh how I remember those romantic dreamy days back in the 60s and 7os when I was young.
Living through our tunnel of sorrows
Be it – bearing the effects of our sin, or experiencing personal tragedy, or being racked by the numbing sorrow of death in the family – we can overcome.
Peaceful Easy Feeling
What an incredibly peaceful, easy feeling I have in my inner soul. The Bible tells me I am right with God. I have been born again. I am a new creature now, changed by God, made brand new — and I have nothing to fear, for God is my Savior. There is nothing more I need, for God Himself has made me His child.
Psalm 23 in 2015… with text
Interpretive reading of Psalm 23 with the original text interspersed.
Psalm 23 in 2015
Interpretive reading of Psalm 23