Be ready! We are told how to understand the mystery of “the sign of Your coming”, and “the end of the age”. Jesus and Paul solve the mystery for us. Let’s examine (1) the words of Jesus in Matthew 24, and then (2) the Apostle Paul’s words in 2 Thessalonians 2. The mystery is not all that complicated now that we are seeing all these signs given to us by God in these end days.
What Jesus Stands For
As in our centuries past, folks nowadays are loudly claiming to follow Jesus – but their actions and belief system unmask them as actually being against what Jesus Himself taught us in the Bible. Fakers.How fake is that? – to claim to be a follower of Jesus Christ, but actually be living a life that shouts down the Lord of the Universe! Jesus will surely surprise them on That Day.
Print this now: Your Guide for after the Rapture takes place
Your Guide for After the Rapture takes place “The Rapture Guide” Don’t bother lookin’ for them because they were taken into the air by Jesus! You will know you were left behind IF: 1. Missing Millions Millions and millions of people go missing at the same exact time. This will be the surest sign to […]