There is a tendency to think that – because I have sinned, therefore God does not like me, doesn’t want me, and, boy is He miffed at me! But that is not what the Bible teaches. That is not what Jesus practiced. So why are folks so condemning of people who fail!? At this time in God’s plan of the ages for us, God is not condemning sinners. THAT will come later! Currently God is trying to get our attention to get us to accept Him before it is too late!
A God Damn
Have you ever tried to grasp the deep intensity of God’s feelings against your sin? Do you know how much He hates sin?
God’s System of Justice
Let’s look at the real God and His very real system of justice. Let’s look at this from within what His book tells us. These are the parts of God’s system:
The Roman Road
The “Roman Road” to Salvation is simply a compilation of verses in the book of Romans that clearly explains the message of salvation in Christ. Quite a help in understanding how to get born again.
I thank God Almighty a million x a million-million-million (to the 10th power) for granting me sonship in His forever family. Do you? Think about it. I am bound for a heavenly home. I am so grateful. According to Jesus’ gospel, I stand before you, and God, and all His angels all around me, with a decree by God Himself, sealed in His Book of Life, granting me eternal, un-revokable status in His Kingdom —— as His own child.
A New Creation
Can you explain to someone else what the Bible requires for salvation? Paul wrote to make sure we know.
Sermon on Mars Hill
–Acts 17:22-31 AMPLIFIED 22 So Paul, standing in the center of the Areopagus, said: “Men of Athens, I observe [with every turn I make throughout the city] that you are very religious and devout in all respects. 23 Now as I was going along and carefully looking at your objects of worship, I came to an altar […]
Me, When I Die, still in sin
What difference does it make – who I am when I die? An eternal difference!
Should you forgive even though no confession is made?
Some say yes, that you should forgive those who do not ask forgiveness. Others say no, that the person should not be forgiven until they repent and then you can forgive them. Those that say you should forgive an unrepentant person use verses like Colossians 3:13 that say, “Bear with each other and forgive whatever […]
Biblical Homosexuality
What is a Christian’s biblical perspective on homosexuality? Have you examined the Bible closely? ANY sin is not acceptable in God’s Holy Kingdom. Ready to go there?