Doing love from your soul. Your supposed “love” is not really love, if it is not actually “doing love”. You do actual acts of love. Love is active. We form habits by doing….
When talking choose nice
Do you know how to converse without offending? We can choose to talk nice words. How are you doing with that?
Entrance Granted Into the Eternal
There are many ways to live your life, many religions and philosophies of man, many faiths to follow. Whatever you call yours, we all become engrossed by it during our stay upon this globe. All these “ways” have their gatekeepers who welcome or guard the entrance into their paradise. But Jesus is the one and only gatekeeper of Heaven’s Gate. He is The One who grants entrance into the awesome Kingdom of Creator God.
Can Jesus Forgive You?
Tomorrow may never come for you. Are you ready for that? Are you too far gone for God to care? Jesus showed that He cares. Jesus saves sinners. He saved me. You can come to Him.
Through Grace and Sheer Mercy
Martin Luther was the one who first expressed it like this: “…I grasped that the righteousness of God is that righteousness by which through grace and sheer mercy God justifies us through faith.” Sheer mercy!
Christ’s Death
The atonement of Christ’s death on the cross – explained here in detail. To go deep, read the passages quoted.
Forgiveness By God
Anyone at anytime with sincerity and truth – can find forgiveness in Jesus for anything. The key word there? Sincerity. God sees the thoughts and intents of our heart. No foolin’ with God.
Legally Damned – Legally Forgiven
Are you still legally condemned before God? Or have you been legally set free forever?
The Roman Road
The “Roman Road” to Salvation is simply a compilation of verses in the book of Romans that clearly explains the message of salvation in Christ. Quite a help in understanding how to get born again.
Imagine This
Imagine this: You yourself are observing God from a special vantage point, seeing things onfold – back in the day…. The God of All There Is, on His throne, governing all that exists, all of which He Himself created, has just created the first man, Adam, and the first woman, Eve. Your ancestors. And they […]
Lost I Came To Him
There is no hope without Creator God as Savior of our soul. I’m joyful, full of hope because – when I bowed my knee that day – He made me brand new. He lives in me!
Brand New Creature
I so totally love the truth taught by the Apostle Paul – about becoming “a brand new creature”. Read for yourself 2 Corinthians 5:17 ¨Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.¨ – 2 Corinthians 5:17 This is what happens when a […]
Oh what a day that will be!
Wow! To enter into the Kingdom of God – freely as His redeemed child. No cringing in shame, no shaking knees, sweating in fear, no burden of sinfulness before a Holy God. I can only imagine.
Jesus Paid It All
Before time, God was, and He was all there was. Then God created Man. God´s nature is perfect, inviolate, greater than any other. He was (and is) Justice, and His system was (and is) unchangeable. Then Man sinned.
Should you forgive even though no confession is made?
Some say yes, that you should forgive those who do not ask forgiveness. Others say no, that the person should not be forgiven until they repent and then you can forgive them. Those that say you should forgive an unrepentant person use verses like Colossians 3:13 that say, “Bear with each other and forgive whatever […]