The God of the Bible is loving, and gives thought aforehand about all consequences of His actions. He knows what’s up before it happens, so nothing He does is “reckless”. God is not careless, hasty, impetuous, nor unwise. It’s not in His nature….” So why sing about a “reckless” God?
Isaiah 26:3
Quoting a bumper sticker: “Know God, know peace. No God, no peace.” Isaiah the prophet spoke to the Lord, “You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you” – Isaiah 26:3 Modern English Version (MEV) Same verse in another version: “You will keep in […]
The Hand of God
The life you are living — is it ready and able, for the Lord? It might be small, not so great, but He wants us ready to serve Him with this life — while we have breath. Actually try to do the deed. What do we miss out on? What do we miss — because we do not take the time to understand what God has for us …in the Bible (2 Timothy 3:16)? It is all laid-out for us so we can understand Him better. How much do we not understand about God’s power in us and around us? Live daily with the expectation that the hand of God is upon you.
Extreme to the nth degree
Our God reveals Himself in the Bible to be extreme to the nth degree. He is many many things, but lets just look at His love and His holiness. It is only Jesus that was the perfect sacrifice to take our place of condemnation. He is calling you to accept Him.
I Look Oh My God
I look at an orchid, a rose, the tropical fish, lush jungles and forests, men, women and children and I say, “Oh my God such beauty can only be from You. It is good what you have done. I look at the skies and the stars and the universes beyond….
Why pray
“…I have come in response to your words.” – Angel Gabriel; Daniel 10:12 To us puny humans, everything God is in Himself, and everything God does in action — is extreme. His power is extreme. His divine nature is extreme. His knowledge is extreme. His mercy is extreme. His compassion is extreme. All that He […]
What if?
What if God really does exist? What if you are wrong about God, and He really walked the earth as Jesus? Wouldn’t you want to know more about Him? Do you really want to just live your life – and die having rejected “the only real God” and His message in the Bible?
Unfathomable love
Oh the unfathomable love of our wonderful mysterious God. Think about it. His love is so endless, amazingly deep and wide. Try understanding this love. God’s love for us is never failing, beyond the capabilities of our understanding. God foreknew us as sinful, yet loved us still. God hates sin, but even though He foreknew […]
This is love
God is love, the Bible says. So, what is He like?
God as Man – the short version
The chronology of God the Son…. Of course – God is eternal, and existed, well, since forever. Try wrapping your mind around that!
Proof Christ Was God
The entrance of Jesus Christ onto the stage of history changed everything. Have you realized that? He Himself claimed to be God. He was not some kook who fooled everyone into believing Him. He actually furnished proof of His deity. God gave that proof already! Deal with it! It’s up to you now – to accept Him or reject Him.
Only God’s Way Leads to Himself
It makes sense that God will have HIS WAY. Why do so many today think God is McDonald’s, saying “Have it your way!”?
The Rich Mindset of God
The Bible introduces us to the rich mindset of God. The Bible was shaped over hundreds of years by God inspired writers – prophets, and apostles. The Bible is showing us the mindset of God Himself.
God is there
His will inserted history
and words for all to read and know
When with willing heart I read His words
I know and understand Him more and more
In power He will guide His ageless plan ahead
yet lovingly He’s active in this speck of life called me
He’s forming me to be and be and be all for Him alone
Timeless Infinite Continuum
Time is not forever. We each will have time end. Time’s up! My last breath will stop, and time will be no more, for me. I will pass in a flash from time – to eternity, where time will be no more. The next dimension we will go to – is timeless. God has revealed to us many glimpses into eternity and His plan of the ages. God and His Heaven, and His angels – are in heaven’s dimension of a Timeless Infinite Continuum. Earth’s time is contained totally within our dimension, outside the Timeless Infinite Continuum of heaven. Earth time: It’s like a spinning toy top….
A God Damn
Have you ever tried to grasp the deep intensity of God’s feelings against your sin? Do you know how much He hates sin?
God Speaking
Hey! I Am speaking here. You may know me simply as “God”. I have been calling you to come to Me. I tell you the truth – I still love you and want you to follow Me. Your sins do not keep Me away from you. It is your heart. You …are not letting Me in.
God Is Not Distant
God is not some far away, distant-from-you, dis-concerned bubble of energy, inside some aura of mist on a mysterious planet far far away in a different galaxy. Star Trek might lead one to believe that! But the Bible says that Creator God created us to walk and talk with us, to commune with us, like He did with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:8).
Vortex of Good & Evil
As mere humans, we are engulfed in the vortex of battle between good and evil. Whether we like it, or not, that is the reality within this world that God created. We must remember – it is God who created us, not we ourselves. We have an obligation, by God, to choose Him, the Good, or continue, enslaved by Evil.
You Are Responsible
You are responsible before God for your life. Nobody else. And God Himself will be your Judge. Nobody else. Want to be ready to meet your Maker?
Is Your Spirit Provoked?
Is your spirit provoked by anything? The Apostle Paul felt his spirit provoked when he saw all the idols that the people were so involved with. 16 Now while Paul was waiting for them at Athens, his spirit was being provoked within him as he was observing the city full of idols. –Acts 17:16 Doesn’t it […]
I’m Cool With That
I’m cool with that…but, is God? You want to be cool with that, or cool with God?
Only God Himself
Only God Himself is real. All other gods are a sham – not able to save you from your sins.
Why You Are An Idiot
Scripture says you are an idiot – if you say there is no God. Now why would you, such a smart person, be a verifiable idiot? Okay. Let’s get a little more serious. Here is some research to see evidences of God in the universe. Hope these are helpful.
Gods Matter
How absurd and utterly worthless – a life without the real God.
About God Today
Short Studies About God…. What God has going on with us here on this planet.
Want It
I’ve got to want it, to get it. I never get anywhere unless I want it. I’ve got to want it – to get anything in life. Beyond the randomness, beyond those matters beyond my control, the reality is that much of life is a choice.
God of the Ages
History shows us that God has plans for us. Through recorded history, and through the Bible records, we can clearly see what has happened in the past. There is no need to conjecture or guess about what is factually-based in history (although some will). The records left by real people in ancient times, be it secular or biblical, give us reliable evidence of what actually occurred.
Research God
There are many who have researched Jesus – before you. Their efforts will save you a lot of time in your research. Here are some results: Research God for yourself How Heretics Help Establish the Historicity of Jesus. From; by J. Warner Wallace … a Cold-Case Detective, a Christian Case Maker, and the author […]
Famous Atheists
Angelina Jolie, Lance Armstrong, Rafael Nadal, Jack Black, Emma Thompson, Julianne Moore, Jodie Foster, Seth MacFarlane, Sir Ian McKellen, Brad Pitt, Keira Knightley, Hugh Laurie, Javier Bardem, Jack Nicholson, Daniel Radcliffe, Ricky Gervais, Kathy Griffin, Kevin Bacon, Hugh Hefner, Emma Thompson, Morgan Freeman… Source: Famous Atheist Quotes Source: Keira Knightley ( “If […]