The Moses Connection There is an astounding connection that goes all the way from Moses — forward through the centuries to Jesus the Messiah. From way back in history, with Moses, we pass through time – to Jesus… and there we have this man claiming exactly what Moses predicted. What an astounding connection! Back in […]
The New Covenant did not abolish any previous convenants of God
Later covenants of God did not invalidate former covenants! The New Covenant was a fulfillment of former covenants. Invalidate the Old? The logic isn’t even there – so how do so many people believe the false teachers?
This does not save you
What really truly is necessary for you to be saved? Jesus gave us His parameters. There are limits to His grace. Don’t get shut-out because of them. His mercy is huge, so today – all on earth still have a choice to make. The day of “it’s too late” is just around the corner!
The Day of the Lord
What does the Bible say about The Day of the Lord? It is very specific.
Caught-up with a practice God has said not to practice?
We find this in Joshua 24:15 – “Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve.” Are you choosing your practices by what God has told us in the Bible?
Get your 2:2 on!
Revelation 2:2 says we should not tolerate those who call themselves “special messengers, personally chosen representatives, of Christ”. Do you?
What is your brand?
What are you known for? That is your brand. Will God accept your confession — with that brand? God will reject all but those with the brand of Jesus.
Misrepresenting God
Are you misrepresenting God with your practice of spiritual gifts? Oftentimes the pewsitter, the apostle, the prophet, the teacher… misrepresent God. Do you know what they do?
Speaking with love about what is true and what is false
If we carefully read Scripture, we are sure to see horribly false teachings are rampant in many churches today. They form a NARcissistic gospel. It is incumbent upon us to warn others of the actual false teachers and their false teachings. Paul and John and Jude warned about this (2 Corinthians 11:4). Let’s examine where Jude urges us to “contend for the faith”, “fight strenuously for the faith”, defend the faith.
A world-wide trap is being sprung soon
Jesus predicted that a world-wide trap is going to trounce on the whole world unexpectedly. We are in that predicted time now! But He said He will rescue His followers from that trouncing (Revelation 3:10-11). You ready?
The last lost soul
Jesus is delaying His Rapture return till …the last lost soul is saved (2 Peter 3:7-9). When it happens, we will be escorted to God’s fantastic celebration party! (Revelation 19:9)
I dither dodder, shilly-shally, fritter life away
What I rather really want to do, is get ready for Jesus to Rapture me up. Instead it seems I dither dodder.
When Christians disappear and you wonder why
One day soon, Christians will suddenly disappear off the face of planet earth. What will that mean for you? This is happening soon, so let’s talk about what to do.
Shincheonji – a highly controlling pseudo-Christian cult
Founded in 1984, Shincheoniji is a false teaching movement from South Korea that is all over the world now. Like the NAR, Shincheoniji misleads with many false doctrines, promoting a false salvation. Beware of this dangerous cult.
Being tested to know for sure your faithfulness to God
It is a pass or fail test – what God uses on us. Where are you at with Him?
Evidences Showing Us that Jesus is Messiah
Irrefutable evidences show us Jesus was God. We believe eyewitness witnesses. You with it? Or are you still giving heed to baseless denials?
Becoming fiery hot, glowing, Rapture Ready Watchers
In 1 Peter 1:13, Peter, Jesus’ disciple, says to us today, “So prepare your minds for action, be completely sober [in spirit—steadfast, self-disciplined, spiritually and morally alert], fix your hope completely on the grace [of God] that is coming to you when Jesus Christ is revealed.”Is your hope fixed on Him?
When God rescues His own
God has rescued His followers in the past, and He has promised to rescue them in the future. There have been many instances of God’s “rescues”. He moves like lightning into our physical dimension and “rescues” according to His will. How’s your faith? Are you believing God enough to live expectantly for His return?
Jesus will rescue us soon from the wrath to come
The Rapture was an integral part of the faith for the early church. It is still a basic tenet of the faith. Are you yourself looking forward to The Rapture with great anticipation?
Take note now of what we say
“This is a fight we’re in”, walking this planet. Jesus said real terrors are in the wind. Christians will be snatched away in an event called the Rapture. Turn to Jesus before you are left behind. Remember we told you beforehand.
We are in that time
The Bible tells us a lot about the Rapture. And we know now that we are in that time when the Rapture will happen. Are you ready if the Lord should return today? “The master of the house is coming”!
Can you really see what is going on in the world?
Are you seeing what is actually going on these days? Perilous times are here. Do you know how to deal with it?
NAR-types are changing God’s Way, denying the Old Testament
NAR-type: We know what you’ve been doing. Look at all the YouTube videos by Berean-types who have spilled the beans about you. Christians: Take heed. The Bible warns us about apostates in the End Times.
What saves you
What really truly is necessary for you to be saved? Jesus gave us His parameters. There are limits to His grace. Don’t get shut-out because of them. His mercy is huge, so today – all on earth still have a choice to make. The day of “it’s too late” is just around the corner!
This is God speaking
This is a satire about the way God might discuss theology with the NAR-types. Don’t get all in a huff. It’s satire!
Chrislam is ready for you – the One World Religion
Did you know? “Chrislam” was officially established as THE Official One World Religion — by Catholic Pope Francis and Muslim leaders. Catholics partnered with forces of Darkness in the VII Congress of the Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, on September 15th, 2022 in the Kazakh capital, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. How do you feel about that, Catholic friends?
Long before His birth prophets spoke of Jesus the Messiah
Prophesying is no work for simple humans. To be true, the prophet must speak exact words of God. That’s not happenin’ today.
Old Sarge Comments on Charismatic practices
We need great discernment about the NAR-type Charismatic churches such as Bethel in Redding, California. “Charismatics need a better hermeneutic as much is not based on good interpretation of a passage.” Do you want God’s message, or your own?
The Complete Pentecost Experience?
An appeal to NAR-type Charismatic people. Scripture gives the ultimate grim outlook for so-called Christians that adhere to the apostate NAR-type doctrines and practices. The scariest thing about them? “Another Gospel” from wayward false teachers does not get you to Heaven!
No New Revelations in these End Times
Are you interpreting Scripture with other Scripture – to the extreme point of even rejecting your thinking in order to stay faithful to all Scripture?
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