The Damning God…and The Forgiving God: One God
“There is a way that seems right – to man.”
These days everyone has their own idea of what life is and what we are doing here – of what it’s all about. Have you stopped, in the whirlwind of your life, to think about God? Or have you not stopped to think?
¨There is a way which seems right to a man,
but its end is the way of death.”
– Proverbs 14:12
What you think. What you think – your “take” on it all, is not as important as what God thinks. You think?! If God is in control of the universe, what importance does what you think have? Really! Do you really think that what you think will change the course of what God thinks?!
That´s what you think!
What God thinks. God has spoken to man – through the Bible. And He is the One that made it all happen. Doesn’t that sort of trump us all? Shouldn’t the Truths of God take precedence over whatever it is that we play around with in our minds?
God is all that matters. He matters because on That Day, someday, we (every one of us!) will stand before Him, the Ultimate Judge, to give an ultimate accounting.
God’s Think (Also read: The rich mindset of God)
And if what you think is not what God thinks, then… who is out-of-line? Who has the wrong “think”? Is it God!?
Is it God that doesn’t have His thinking straight?
Or is it you?
And so THEN, what are you going to do in That Day? Argue and plead with the Almighty? You really think THAT will work?
You are the putty,
the mud, in the Sculptor’s hands.
Is the mud to question the potter? 1
I stand amazed looking at the arrogant mud-man shaking his puny little mud-fist —- at God, the Potter! At God! Ha! What impudence. What futility, despair, regret.
We need to be ready to meet our Maker
The Damning God. God is damn right 2, and you damn well 3 better get your thinking right before it is too late. There is hell to pay for those who don’t.
God is a damning God
Without the forgiveness of Christ
– you are a God damned puny mud-man.
Mere human.
(1 Corinthians 3:3, 2 Corinthians 5:16-17)
And His judgment is eternal.
Your thinking
is a vapor in the wind,
whereas God’s Word is eternal
– and real.
James 4:14
14 [a]Yet you do not know [the least thing] [b]about what may happen in your life tomorrow. [What is secure in your life?] You are merely a vapor [like a puff of smoke or a wisp of steam from a cooking pot] that is visible for a little while and then vanishes [into thin air].
God is a forgiving God
The Forgiving God. God is also a forgiving God. He has a very tight justice system. You can’t just tweak it to YOUR liking! Everything and everyone in the universe is subject to a very specific Justice System that He has established. It damns, but it also can forgive.
God the Father has provided an awesomely gracious provision for forgiveness for each one of us – everyone! Within His justice system – there is only one way to have our sentence of “guilty” commuted to “set free”.
You can now accept His gracious offer of salvation. Why not do it now, in the privacy of this moment. And then …in that moment in time you will be changed, forgiven by God, and from now and throughout eternity you will stand before Him without any fear of condemnation. His Justice System will declare you free. In that moment – God Himself will declare you free as He makes you His forever child.
What God has once damned – He can also forgive. But we only live once, and after this comes the Judgment Day. There is no hope of changing your mind after you die.
This is the only opportunity we are given to bow our knee to God, because after this life – there will be a judgment made, by God, about you. We all will stand before God on That Day.
I stand amazed looking at the arrogant mud-man
shaking his puny little mud-fist —- at God, the Potter.
You will be judged. What will The Judge say – to you?
Will He say, “Depart from Me, I never knew you”?
Or will God say, “Well done..”?
And His judgement will not be based on how good or how bad you’ve been. It will only be based on His only criteria:
Are you IN Christ, or are you OUT?
On That Day of Judgment. There will be two sides of the The Court in That Day when we stand before The Judge. There will be the damning side, and there will be a forgiven side. We arrive before the Judge already damned, or already forgiven. You do not want to have God damn you on that final judgment day. Twice God damned —- is forever damned. Once forgiven —- is forever free, in a heaven prepared for us by God himself.
We all will stand before God on That Day.
Believe it – you want to be on the right side (not the left!).
- You want to be on the side that is thankful, kneeling before “The Forgiving God”.
- You don’t want to be stuttering, kneeling in hopeless fear before “The Damning God”. All that awaits you then will be a lake of fire, forever without God.
To those who have never accepted Christ as Lord in this life, never chosen to follow Him in this life —- there will only be a damnation reality on the other side. But to those who bowed the knee in their rebellion in this life, acknowledged Christ as sent by the Father for our forgiveness… there will be joy everlasting.
Don’t arrive before The Throne of God – and discover there that you are still merely a God–damned mud-man.
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These days everyone has their own idea of what life is and what we are doing here. We sing “what’s it all about?” Have you stopped, in the whirlwind of your life, to think about God? God has spoken to man – through the Bible. And He is the One that made it all happen. Doesn’t that sort of trump us all? Shouldn’t the Truths of God take precedence over whatever it is that we play around with in our minds? The damning God …and the forgiving God: One God. Have you been forgiven by God?
Are you ready to meet your Maker?
There is a broad road that says heaven – but goes to hell
- “…who are you, O man, who answers [arrogantly] back to God and dares to defy Him?
Will the thing which is formed say to him who formed it, “Why have you made me like this?”
21 Does the potter not have the right over the clay…?” – Romans 9:20-21.
- “damn”: an adverb meaning “extremely, very, highly” – Babylon.com
- “damn”: an adverb meaning “extremely, very, highly” – Babylon.com
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