Saying & Being
Are you one of those that says one thing and does another?
- Do you say “I’m a Christian” but you live like …something else?
- Do you say “Ya, I know I’m not living like I know Jesus would like me to”?
- Do you acknowledge the dissidence between your “want-a-be” and your whatch-ya-be?
- Do you vote for a hell of a lot of things Jesus never would have voted for?
- Does your lifestyle match-up with Jesus’s?
- Does your worldview look anything close to Jesus’s?
- Are there whole sections of Bible you’ve tossed-out and replaced with your own brand of thinking?
- Have you bothered to look at the Bible to know it?
- Have you looked at the Bible to see how distant you are from Jesus’s biblical statements and standards?
Can’t have it both ways
The truth is you can’t have it both ways. Since God knows our innermost thoughts and desires, plans and dreams and schemes — you can’t fool Him. No two ways about it!
Salvation in Christ is what it is. God has shared His Way with us. It is not “whatever you make it to be“. Salvation is not something you make up for your own convenience.
Are you saved by God? Or are you hoping your own way will be good enough?
You serving two masters?
You can’t accept both Jesus and some other. Impossible. The two are incompatible. As Jesus said, You can’t serve two masters. So, think about it. What’s keeping you from God?
See: | One Thing You Lack |
| Claiming a sin as God’s will for you |
“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon [money, possessions, fame, status, or whatever is valued more than the Lord].
You can’t truly be born again plus anything else. According to the Bible “saving belief” is an exclusive belief – in Jesus plus no other.
Jesus said,
“I am the [only] Way [to God]
and the [real] Truth
and the [real] Life;
no one comes to the Father
but through Me.”
– John 14:6 Amplified Bible (AMP)
Jesus said we must give Him our all:
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.”
– Luke 10:27
“And He said to him, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ “This is the great and foremost commandment. “The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ “On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.”
– Matthew 22:37-39.
He did not say, — Give Me “some” of you, give that “some”, and give Me that “some” over there too. No. The saving faith of belief in Jesus the Christ is unique: we must be born again (John 3:1-21 CSB), not just believe Jesus is true, but give our self over 100% to Jesus: all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, all your mind (Luke 10:27). How much? All.
If you are not sold-out to Jesus then you are sold-out to yourself. And you can’t get to heaven by yourself!
If we come to Him, He will not accommodate Himself to the politically correct, nor special interests, popular vote, privately held opinions, secret deviations from His will, and such. The sinner must bow. The wicked must yield. Or do you think what you are and what you think — is good enough for God?
Today we want options. We want everything to come with options. “Opt for this. Opt for that….” We want to choose for ourselves what we want. And we want to leave out what we don’t want. Many religions and philosophies allow that. They will accommodate you. Whatever suits you, is fine, some say.
In complete contrast, Jesus will not accommodate 1 to your wishes and to your beliefs.
God will not adapt to you, fit into your agenda, nor let you suit yourself.
He is not obliged to you for anything. He is not trying to do you a favor.
He invites us to enter into His Kingdom. He does not promise to build you your own kingdom! The ditties “Have it your way” and “I did it my way…” do not apply to God’s way.
His Kingdom Way requires we come to Him with sincerity and truth (1 Corinthians 5:8; Isaiah 48:1; Joshua 24:14) and yield totally to Him in repentance, acknowledging Christ as God. That is what saves us. Then… true fidelity to Him comes as a result of our being born again.
Fidelity to Christ means:
“strict adherance to” His Way
“faithful loyalty and allegiance” to Christ
– Dictionary.com
When it comes to being saved, it’s not about us and our sin. It’s about His offer of salvation and our acceptance of that grace.
Sinners are not saved by cleaning up and staying straight. We get saved solely by His grace, His free gift of salvation. But, He sees our heart. We must present ourselves fully to Him: all our sinfulness and unworthiness, wicked heart and shame.
However vile – He can handle that! Repent and be born again, then allow Him to begin to change you into “His likeness”. See: Philippians 3:10 …being continually conformed [inwardly into His likeness….
If you’re not seeing change towards Him, perhaps you never turned towards Him. Perhaps you never got saved, ever. But it’s not too late.
See: It’s too late
God wants all of me, all of you. Makes sense to me.
Hebrews 4: verses 1-2
“Therefore, we must fear if, while a promise remains of entering His rest, any one of you may seem to have come short of it. 2 For indeed we have had good news preached to us, just as they also did; but the word [a]they heard did not benefit them, because [b]they were not united with those who listened with faith.”
Being 100% given-over to Jesus
The one-off offer Jesus makes to everyone
Why on earth will God accept you – a sinner?
Sin is not the issue in salvation
There is no other saving gospel
I am not the sum of all my sins
In Christ I am a strong person
Jesus Only Always For All Times
Jesus brings us to Creator God
Are You Ready, Steady and Able?
How to live on Christ – by Harriet Beecher Stowe
The Great Water Down of Jesus’ Message to us all
The Chutzpah of Wannabe Christians
Consequences of Supporting Evil
Practicing Sin – Not Following Christ
Voting while set on God’s will, His values and His purposes
Jesus will reject many “Christians”
Will you be turned away by Jesus?
As if your mindset is protected by God
About Being Apostate… following “another gospel”
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