Marvelous grace. To a sinner, what else could be so marvelous? God’s grace, that “un-merited” bestowing of a blessing on me. Just because of Him. Just because He chooses to do so within His Heavenly legal system.
What marvelous grace of the damning God, who would go so far out of His way to “un-condemn” me, to “un-do” His “God damn”, His damnation of me, to save me forever for Himself. To love me – at all. That is the grace of God.
So, what about a real God damn? In contrast with a damning by a person: What’s a God damn like? What will it be like to stand before Creator God on Judgement Day, and receive His wrath? That’s something to really think about. Can you feel the finality of it all in that moment?
A person can damn you, but, what’s that going to do? Not much. However, on That Day of Judgement, a God damn is forever bad, forever unforgiving, never changeable – permanent in the universe. – Source: A God Damn
We all are His creation, but we are not His “children” until we accept Him. In His love for His creation, we are offered a choice. The easiest choice is: stay as you are. The best choice is: accept His offer. He wants to be your Savior, your Father in Heaven. The best deal on earth is to accept Jesus: be born again, and follow Jesus.
It is easy to be God damned on earth. We don’t need to “do” anything for that: we are naturally born into our fleshly body — under His condemnation.
Being God damned on earth is to be
simply living your life – without Christ, living in rebellion against God, refusing to bow your knee to God, refusing his free gift of eternal life, living for anyone or anything else but Christ, against Christ, against what God has established, forever against God’s call to repent of your sins and have only this fleeting life, not turned to God in repentance, not accepted God’s free gift of acceptance into His Kingdom, not accepted Christ as Lord of your life, not had God change you into a forgiven child of God and yet have the opportunity now to accept Christ as Lord and Savior – Source: God damned on earth
The Day of Judgment is coming.
There will be two sides of the The Court in That Day when we stand before The Judge. There will be the damning side, and there will be a forgiven side. We arrive before the Judge already damned, or already forgiven. You do not want to have God damn you on that final judgment day. Twice God–damned —- is forever damned. Once forgiven —- is forever free, in a heaven prepared for us by God himself. – Source: The Damning God
We all will stand before God on That Day.
Without grace we are headed for an eternity without God. That will be hell. How horrible.
Being God damned in hell is to be
forever damned
forever without God
without joy without happiness
devoid of God’s goodness
without any good thing (since God is good)
forever doomed in gloom
defeated beaten
always restless never satisfied
never content
never calm never relaxed never rested
empty devoid of future good
unfulfilled in everything
living an existence compared to burning in a lake of fire
and have no friends no friendship
no spouse no love
no good feelings
no sexual arousal no sexual fulfillment
only frustration only lust
no blessings from God whatsoever forever
no peace only sorrow only despair
no hope no escape
no second chance
no forgiveness from God or anyone
no pardon
– Source: Being God Damned
We escape His eternal wrath against sin, by recognizing why He cannot accept us into His forever holy, holy Kingdom. Why? Our sin. He is calling each of us to repent. When we accept Him as Savior and Lord — He makes us brand new.
When we accept His gift of grace, forgiveness in Christ, His grace abounds to cover all our sin.
We are not saved by works. We are not saved by not sinning, nor by going to church, nor by being “better” …not by anything in addition to His grace!
We are not saved because we desperately cling to His hand: it is He that holds our hand.
We are not saved because we then never sin again: He gives us legal entry into His family. He frees us from the penalty, frees us from any condemnation against us – for all time. He Himself declares us un-condemned forever.
– Source: Getting Born Again
God Almighty is not a god-of-whatever. He is Master of the Universe He Himself created. He requires sincerity and truth from us – real faith, not phony baloney fake faith.
To walk freely into His Gates, we simply accept His grace freely given to us. His justice declares us “forgiven” when we bow our will to Him in sincerity and truth, asking Him to forgive and clean-us-up. In that moment of “repentance” we are declared set free forever.
In that moment we become born again by His Spirit… never ever again to be condemned as a sinner, forever clean within His Courts. In that moment we are declared worthy of entering into His Holy Heavens. In that moment we are made heirs with Jesus.
– Source: Extreme to the nth degree
Fake faith does not fool God. That “faith” is dead-on-the-table dead. There is no “balancing-out” dead and dead (dead faith with dead works). That is a fool’s way to go – “we can’t see up from down”.
We are but mud men, pieces from the Potter’s table. Befuddled and besmirched, we can’t see up from down.
God owns truth. Some of us never seem to get it: All sin is heinous to God. We will never get away with it. Only His forgiveness removes the penalty of sin in His Kingdom.
God is asking us to repent
and follow Him
so He can grant us entrance
legally into His Kingdom.
God has communicated His plan to us
through a miracle book, the Bible.
God calls His followers to reject sin (2 Corinthians 7:1), all that He calls “sin”, and press on to our upward calling (Philippians 3:12-14).
– Source: Balancing-out my faith with my practice
No matter how heinous our past, He can forgive that past, change us, and …walk with us into His forever home.
– Anytime anyone anything anywhere-
– Source: Forgiveness By God
There are no guarantees attached to my life, or yours, and it could end at any time. So the wise will do well to reconsider what life is all about, and be prepared for the next life. We all, rich or poor, physically fit or not… are going to meet our Maker – sooner or later. So why not be ready for that event? – Source: Reconsider Your Life
Come on! Wake up! Leave the other side behind. Start going the right way.
It is possible for God to change me. He can change me – inside and out. I can come to God “just as I am”. If I do, then I am enough – for God’s Kingdom.
But I must first reconsider my life, submit to Him for change. It doesn’t work the other way around, ever. God will never change His ways just because I want it my way.
– Source: Our Unmitigated God
The reality of God’s universe is
— it’s not your universe.
It behooves us to seek after God
and get His word on things.
Our thoughts are not His thoughts.
My thoughts
will not be consulted by God
on That Day.
– From: Balancing-out my faith with my practice
There is no magic formula talk when we pray to accept Jesus for who He is. However you say what you say, He sees your heart, He knows you are sincere.
“Saving knowledge” of Jesus Christ [based on 1 Timothy 2: verses 3-4] is a “recognition” type of knowing, not just a mental assent type. It is that moment in time when we suddenly truly recognize Jesus for who He is… and submit our life to Him.
That saving knowledge moment happens when, in our inner soul, we bow our will to Jesus Christ and acknowledge Him as:
- the One sent by God to earth to be our sacrificial Lamb,
- the Messiah of the Old Testament,
- the Ruler of the Universe who made Himself born into a man in order to provide us all with a way to escape His coming judgement of all sin
— and submit to Him.
That saving knowledge does not happen just in our mind. It happens with all that we are – in our inner soul, where who we are sits on the throne of our being. That saving knowledge is accepted from the throne of our life.
In that moment we dethrone our own throne, and give way to Christ the King! God becomes King of our life, and He takes up residence in us as we are made brand new inside (1 Corinthians 5:16-21).
– Source: Saving Knowledge [based on 1 Timothy 2: verses 3-4]
In that moment of being born again, reborn from above, the Holy Spirit enters our command center inside our soul… and never leaves us, ever. That is how immense an event our salvation is. Cataclysmic! (as in: bad for Satan and bad for sin!)
We are changed forever. We are no longer a slave to sin. (Romans 6:6; John 8:34; ) Now we are compelled by His love. (Ezekiel 20:37; 2 Corinthians 5:14). And we begin our forever eternity with Him — right here on earth, as a “christian” (“a little Christ”… not “a little faker”). Oh How Marvelous!
What you think. What you think – your “take” on it all, is not as important as what God thinks. You think?! If God is in control of the universe, what importance does what you think have? Really! Do you really think that what you think will change the course of what God thinks?!
That´s what you think!
What God thinks. God has spoken to man – through the Bible. And He is the One that made it all happen. Doesn’t that sort of trump us all? Shouldn’t the Truths of God take precedence over whatever it is that we play around with in our minds? – Source: The Damning God
The Hand of God
The Hand of God is evident all around us. It is up to us to investigate and prove Him for ourselves. Choose Jesus. He is there. He wants to be a part of your life, every day, all the way.
God has revealed plenty.
Look around. Then you’ll pray “Oh my God….”
- See Him through all the evidence He planted for us to know Him.
- See Him through what He has created.
- See Him through His revealed Word – the Bible.
Are you right on the edge of trusting Him forever?
God is asking you to repent. Don’t wait till it’s too late. If you accept his grace, He will totally accept you, just as you are now.
Twice God–damned
—- is forever damned.
Once forgiven
—- is forever free,
in a heaven prepared for us
by God himself.
– Source: The Damning God
The Gift by His precious, undeserved grace
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