The other day I read some Christian’s criticism, saying it was entirely ridiculous that someone (like me?) would think that voting a certain way could lead one to Hell.
Well, lets stop right there. Think about it: Are you… Voting while set on God’s will, His values and His purposes?
Does your voting matter – to God? When you do the act of voting – are you acting with your heart, soul, strength, and with your mind?
- How about we vote: “Babies don’t matter.” Let’s vote to kill your little unborn, because we have enough, just too many, babies in our city?
- Does that bring it closer to home for you? Or,
- What if you had been aborted years ago.
- Still think abortion is the “right” of the woman who bore you? Did you yourself not have rights “while early in the womb”?
- Were you not a person – as much as the woman of the womb? Are there no “womb rights”, “early life rights”?
- You’ve heard of the injustice, “Driving while black” (DWB). How about this new one? “Death while wombing” (DWW).
Here’s another one:
- How about we vote to make it a crime to be a follower of Jesus the Nazarite?
- This will actually take place under the Antichrist. You won’t vote on it. It will be imposed by decree. Ready for that? Be careful that no one misleads you.
Jesus said,
“Be careful
that no one misleads you
[deceiving you and leading you into error]
– Matthew 24:verse 4
- How about we vote on this? Vote: ¤ Yes. ¤ No.
Was Jesus actually God the Father’s Only Son – God Himself come down to earth as God in the form of a real man, to die for our sins?
That’s a vote God is asking of all of us. Plus, of course: Will you repent and follow me? That is an “act” that you most certainly must make …with your heart, soul, strength, and with your mind (Luke 10:27).
There are actually many false teachers in “Christian churches” out there that teach: Jesus was NOT actually “God” while here performing miracles and such. They teach that Jesus “gave up being God” while here. Well, that is a “vote” against what Jesus claimed. That makes these pastors “false teachers”.
It is also a sign of a veritable cult. Refer to: What are some signs and practices of a cult? by Matt Slick. Slick references these passages: Jesus is God in flesh (John 8:58 with Exodus 3:14). See also John 1:1, 14; 8:24; 10:30-33; 20:28; Col. 2:9; Phil. 2:5-8; Heb. 1:8.)
They went out from us [seeming at first to be Christians], but they were not really of us [because they were not truly born again and spiritually transformed]; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but they went out [teaching false doctrine], so that it would be clearly shown that none of them are of us. – 1 John 2:19
Voting does matter. It is not just a “right” we have here. Voting actually means something. This year 2020 the voting meant life and death to millions of the-not-yet-born. And the November 3, 2020 voting platforms – had the potential to change the entire nation of the USA – and the world.
You act with your heart and your soul, with your strength, and with your mind. (That is how thoroughly we are to love God: Luke 10:27) You are what you do. Talk is often cheap.
You transfer your soul into any act… (so to speak)
- when you vote,
- when you hate,
- when you kill,
- when you destroy someone’s reputation (called “gossip”); (Note: If you talk – be nice.)
- when you break God’s laws…
- when you make any sin a practice. Any sin. Just as hate is “eternal-life-changing” – so are all other habitual sins.
The habitual hate by a professing believer (or habitual sin of any kind), is evidence of a dichotomous heart. And the message of the Bible is: No dichotomous heart gets to heaven. Not a one. That is what Christ died for – that we might have changed hearts. You can’t go on living like “before Christ”, like the world. – Source: Hating is life changing – eternal life changing. Scary thought.
If you go against Me
God told us clearly what is good, and what is not good.
Micah 6:8. Listen: He has shown You, O man, what is good…. For more, go to YouTube and search there for: #scripturesongs.
And since He is God, and we are not, what we opine about how the universe should be run, is, well, not going to change God’s reality, is it? We are His creation, so He knows our thoughts. And He said, basically (my interpretation):
If you go against Me, what I, God, want, what Jesus stands for, in anything… then you ARE against Me, (“saith the Lord”). Who you stand with shows. It shows with how you live your life, with how you habitually act, with “the thoughts and intentions of your heart…” If Jesus discerns you have stood against Him, the consequence comes to you on That Day when you kneel in anguish and fear before God. He will say, basically: You have come before Me, before the seat of My Eternal Court, and I am against you. (Extrapolated from: Matthew 7:23)
There are consequences that result from voting. Changes result. Life becomes different. New laws are created. New dogmas rule the land. We do all that as individuals in a democracy. We are responsible for it.
How then should we live?
There is also a huge consequence that results from the vote we make with our lifetime. If we do not choose to truly follow Jesus, oh man! Matthew put it very clearly, what happens. He reported what Jesus said about this:
“And then I will declare to them publicly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me [you are banished from My presence], you who act wickedly [disregarding My commands].’” – Matthew 7:23
Think of the life God created, you – [put your name here)] He created all living creations to bring glory to Himself (to please Him). Is that what you are doing with how you live the life called – (put your name here)?
- with how you live your life
- with how you habitually act
Do you love the Lord with all of you? It will show with all of who you are, what you do, what you don’t do, and yes, how you vote. Voting a certain way shows if you are standing with Jesus, or not. Voting matters.
And he replied, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” – Luke 10:27
The good thing is: God is a forgiving God, and He is delaying His Second Coming — to give you …just another chance to choose Him, to follow Him.
Are you seeing clearly now?
Is your life lived while set on God’s will, His values and His purposes? Or do you just “let it be” and live as it happens?
Is Jesus’ Worldview – Your Worldview?
Practicing Sin – Not Following Christ
Hating is life changing – eternal life changing. Scary thought.
Getting right with God …What happens if/when I finally reconcile with God?
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