PIC by Gael McGill, Scientific visualization researcher and Artist-CEO
Scientists are discovering more and more new evidences for the existence of God — and not admitting it. Graphic pictures of our DNA (top of this page) totally astound with evidence of an Intelligent Designer (otherwise known as “God”, Jesus the Messiah, Creator of all that is).
There simply has to be a growing cognitive dissonance within the wise guys’ social clique. Makes me glad I am not that smart! [Ha!] Being such brainiacs – you’d think they would be seeing things clearly. You think?
In the beginning God ([a]Elohim) [b]created [by forming from nothing] the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was [c]formless and void or a waste and emptiness, and darkness was upon the face of the deep [primeval ocean that covered the unformed earth].
The Spirit of God was moving (hovering, brooding) over the face of the waters. 3 And God said, [d]“Let there be light”; and there was light.
4 God saw that the light was good (pleasing, useful) and [e]He affirmed and sustained it; and God separated the light [distinguishing it] from the darkness. 5 And God called the light day, and the darkness He called night. And there was [f]evening and there was [g]morning, one day.
– Genesis 1:1-5
The Bible is very clear about God being the Creator of earth and all that is therein. See note quoting John 1:1-12. 1
About the photo (top of page), Frederick Stoss comments:
The most detailed model of ONE human cell to date, obtained using x-rays, nuclear magnetic resonance, and cryoelectron microscopy data sets. Aren’t we all just so filled with magical possibilities?
Most recent estimates put the number of cells in one body at around 30 trillion. Written out, that’s 30,000,000,000,000.
Source and Credit: Transformation of the Cellular Landscape through a Eukaryotic Cell, by Evan Ingersoll Ingersoll Gael McGill ~ Digizyme’s Custom Maya Molecular Software; Biología Al Instante
the number of cells
in [YOUR] body…
Think along with Robert J. Hutchinson in his article, Atheists Take Credit for Science When They Had Nothing to Do with It. He writes,
So if, as Albert Einstein insisted, Biblical religion was the necessary intellectual precondition for the gradual development of scientific method, how did the myth of the “scientific revolution” come about?
One reason: For the past 400 years, the partisans of irreligion – from the Marquis de Sade to Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins – have deliberately misrepresented the way science actually developed in the West as part of their ideological crusade against Judaism and Christianity.
What’s worse, the partisans of atheism have been intellectually dishonest in the extreme: They have tried to take credit for the development of science when, in fact, they had little if anything to do with it.
“What if God really did come down to earth as the real, historical man, Jesus Christ… and walked the earth as recorded in the Bible?
Wouldn’t you want to know more about Him?
Do you really want to just live your life – and die having rejected “the only real God” and His message in the Bible?”
– Source: What if?
God has provided us with plenty of evidence to show Himself to us, to show us the truth of the resurrection of Jesus after His crucifixion, to show us the Truth and reliability of His Word, the Bible, and so much more. Evidence is clear and speaks truth. The truth of God and Jesus’ offer of new birth in Him — is shown by evidence.
What have you done with that evidence? Have you accepted Christ as Savior and Lord of your life? Or have you totally rejected Christ? Or even become a protester against Jesus, speaking against Him?
Source: Evidence? What evidence?
See more digizyme photos:
Atheists Take Credit for Science When They Had Nothing to Do with It, by Robert J. Hutchinson
Evidence …list of articles about evidence for God
Site Search results for “What if God exists?“
Read the book by Robert J. Hutchinson (Author): Searching for Jesus: New Discoveries in the Quest for Jesus of Nazareth—and How They Confirm the Gospel Accounts. Hardcover – October 27, 2015. by Robert J. Hutchinson (Author)
God as Man – the short version
Born Again – reborn from above
The Bible is “able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation
- John 1:1-12 1 In the beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and [b]the Word was God Himself. 2 He was [continually existing] in the beginning [co-eternally] with God. 3 All things were made and came into existence through Him; and without Him not even one thing was made that has come into being. 4 In Him was life [and the power to bestow life], and the life was the Light of men. 5 The Light shines on in the [c]darkness, and the darkness did not understand it or overpower it or appropriate it or absorb it [and is unreceptive to it].
The Witness of John the Baptist
6 There came a man commissioned and sent from God, whose name was [d]John. 7 This man came as a witness, to testify about the Light, so that all might believe [in Christ, the Light] through him. 8 John was not the Light, but came to testify about the Light.
9 There it was—the true Light [the genuine, perfect, steadfast Light] which, coming into the world, enlightens everyone. 10 He (Christ) was in the world, and though the world was made through Him, the world did not recognize Him. 11 He came to that which was His own [that which belonged to Him—His world, His creation, His possession], and those who were His own [people—the Jewish nation] did not receive and welcome Him. 12 But to as many as did receive and welcome Him, He gave the right [the authority, the privilege] to become children of God, that is, to those who believe in (adhere to, trust in, and rely on) His name—….
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